-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [CFP] Call For Papers: NEW2AN Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 18:26:50 +0300 From: Koucheryavy Yevgeni yk@cs.tut.fi To: new2an@new2an.org
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Our apologies if you receive multiple copies* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers
International Conference on
Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (NEW2AN'04)
Organized by Tampere University of Technology (Finland) and R&D Institute LONIIS (Russia) in cooperation with ITC (International Teletraffic Congress), Popov Society and IEEE St.Petersburg BT/CAS/COM Chapter
February 02-06, 2004 R&D LONIIS, St.Petersburg, Russia http://www.new2an.org/
The conference --------------
Modern multimedia services pose new challenges related to the treatment of traffic within communication networks. To build next-generation telecommunication network, teletraffic theory and advanced networking must be used. The conference goal is the identification and investigation of new models, architectures and mechanisms to enable a new generation of IP networks. Special emphasis will be given to wireless networking, in particular the handling and delivery of multimedia traffic in 2.5/3G networks. Results which address collaborative problems between next generation teletraffic and advanced networking are strongly encouraged.
Since the middle of the 1990s a sequence of seminars sponsored by International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) have been successfully organized by the R&D Institute LONIIS in Saint Petersburg. The meeting point between east and west, the experience of both can be seen and felt in the host country, city and entity - R&D Institute LONIIS.
Topics ------
Paper submissions should address (but not limited to) one of the following topics:
- Next Generation Teletraffic Theory - Overlay Networks - Ad-hoc Networks - 3G and Beyond Networks - Delivery of Multimedia Traffic over IP in Wired and Wireless Environment - Always Best Connected - Horizontal/Vertical/Internal Handover Algorithms - QoS Provisioning in Wired and Wireless Environment - Medium access control protocols and scheduling techniques for future wireless systems - Wireless Protocols - [Multimedia] Traffic Measurements and Testbeds - 4G Paradigms - Applications for Multimedia-enabled Wired And Wireless Networks - Traffic Engineering & QoS in all-IP Networks - Multicast networks - Traffic Classification and Characterization - Resource Management and Congestion control - Network Modeling, Simulation, Emulation and Tomography - Network Planning and Network Engineering - Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting (AAA) - Business Models and Tariffing - HAPs (High Altitude Platforms)
Papers and submission --------------------- Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts in English to the conference. Papers should be not more than 3 single-spaced pages. All extended abstracts must include a title, complete contact information for all authors, and keywords on the cover page. The corresponding author should be identified.
The Authors of accepted extended abstracts will need to produce camera ready versions of the full papers (no more than 6 IEEE format camera-ready pages), describing novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference.
A best paper will be selected based on the quality of full paper and the presentation.
The papers will be submitted electronically (in PDF format), at the URL http://www.new2an.org. For further submission instructions contact new2an@new2an.org or yk@cs.tut.fi for additional information.
Important dates --------------- Deadline for submissions of Extended Abstract : September 15, 2003 Notification of acceptance : October 20, 2003 Camera ready version : November 14, 2003 Conference dates : February 2-6, 2004
General information ------------------- A registration fee of $400 (full) and $150 (student) will be levied for the conference. Students are expected to prove their status by means of identification at the registration. This price will include the conference attendance, proceedings, lunches, coffee-breaks and a social program.
Location, accommodation and social program ------------------------------------------ A Russian ballet and winter event with traditional Russian meals will be organized by the local host.
Accommodation ------------- Info will be available later.
Visa ---- Russian Visa support will be provided by LONIIS.
Program Committee -----------------
Khalid Al-Begain University of Bradford, UK Konstantin Avratchenkov INRIA, France Francisco Barcelo UPC, Spain Torsten Braun University of Bern, Switzerland Sergei Brusilovsky LONIIS, Russia Chrysostomos Chrysostomou University of Cyprus, Cyprus Georg Carle University of Tuebingen, Germany Giovanni Giambene Universitý degli Studi di Siena, Italy Ivan Ganchev Univ. of Plovdiv, Bulgaria Andrei Gurtov Univ. of Helsinki, Finland Vitaly Gutin Popov Society, Russia Villy Baek Iversen Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark Jarmo Harju Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland Martin Karsten Univ. of Waterloo, Canada Farid Khafizov Nortel Networks, USA Denis Khotimsky Lucent Bell Labs, USA Yevgeni Koucheryavy Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland (Chair) Jae-Young Kim Purdue University, USA Kyu Ouk Lee ETRI, R.Korea Lemin Li Univ. of Electronic Science of China, China Vladimir Lohmotko LONIIS, Russia Ibrahim Matta Boston University, USA Piet Van Mieghem Delft Univ. of Technology, Netherlands Ian Marsh SICS, Sweden Ilka Miloucheva Salzburg Research, Austria Edmundo Monteiro University of Coimbra, Portugal Mohammad Obaidat Monmouth University, USA Mairtin O'Droma Univ. of Limerick, Ireland George Pavlou Univ. of Surrey, UK Zoya Revelova LONIIS, Russia Sergei Semenov NOKIA, Finland Manfred Shneps Russia / Latvia Mikhail Smirnov Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany Ioannis Stavrakakis Univ. of Athens, Greece Sergey Stepanov IPPI RAN / MGTS, Russia Burkhard Stiller UniBw Munich, Germany and ETH Zurich, Switzerland Dmitry Tkachenko IEEE St.Petersburg BT/CAS/COM Chapter, Russia Vassilis Tsaoussidis Northeastern University, USA Christian Tschudin University of Basel, Switzerland Peter Wintlev-Jensen EU Commission Lars Wolf Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany Gennady Yanovsky State Univ. of Telecommunications, Russia
ITC Liaison
Villy Baek Iversen Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark
Organizing Committee Chairman, Honorary Member of Popov Society
Andrei Koucheryavy R&D LONIIS, Russia