-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: EWCN 2004 Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 11:13:30 +0100 (MET) From: Mikhail Smirnov smirnow@fokus.fraunhofer.de To: cost263@fokus.fraunhofer.de CC: toweissy@vt.edu
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 15:04:00 -0500 Please consider the following CFP. I apologize for multiple copies. EWCN 2004 Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications and Networks
http://www.ece.queensu.ca/hpages/faculty/safwat/Conferences/EWCN04/ http://www.ece.queensu.ca/hpages/faculty/safwat/Conferences/EWCN04/.
Call http://www.ece.queensu.ca/hpages/faculty/safwat/Conferences/EWCN04/CFP. htm for Papers
Important http://www.ece.queensu.ca/hpages/faculty/safwat/Conferences/EWCN04/Date s.htm Dates
Submission http://www.ece.queensu.ca/hpages/faculty/safwat/Conferences/EWCN04/Guid elines.htm Guidelines
Organizing http://www.ece.queensu.ca/hpages/faculty/safwat/Conferences/EWCN04/Comm ittee.htm Committee
Technical Program
Registration http://www.ipccc.org/ipccc2004/main.php?page=7
Local http://www.ipccc.org/ipccc2004/hotel_info.html Information
The Workshop on Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications and Networks (EWCN) is in conjunction with the IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) http://ipccc.org/
Phoenix, Arizona
April 14-17, 2004
Scope: Energy conservation in wireless communications and networks is of great significance due to the limited battery capacity of mobile devices. The success of new wireless technologies is contingent on their energy-conserving behavior. EWCN is aimed at fostering advances in the field of energy-efficient wireless communications and networks, and is dedicated to researchers and practitioners to present their state-of-the-art research and development.
<...> ******************************************************************** Posted to cost263 by Mikhail Smirnov smirnow@fokus.fraunhofer.de