-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [Paper Registration Deadline Approaching!] Call for Papers - ACM MobiCom 2021 Datum: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 14:13:49 +0900 Von: JeongGil (John) Ko jeonggil.ko@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: JeongGil (John) Ko jeonggil.ko@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
*Call For Papers – ACM MobiCom 2021*
*Important Dates*
*Abstract Registration *
August 14, 2020 23:59 EDT
March 19, 2021 23:59 EDT
*Paper Submission*
August 21, 2020 23:59 EDT
March 26, 2021 23:59 EDT
*Notification of Acceptance *
November 13, 2020
June 11, 2021
*Important Changes*
· *Double-blind.* This CFP has updated its double-blind review policy and particularly added how to handle preprints (such as arXiv). Violated submissions will be returned without reviews.
· *Conflict-of-interest (COI).* It is the authors’ responsibility to claim the true COIs from the TPC members. Violated submissions will be returned without reviews.
· *Resubmission.* We have added a new policy on previous submissions, which may request the authors to additionally submit the summary of changes from the previous version.
· *Anonymous shepherding.* Note that MobiCom performs an anonymous and rigorous shepherding process for all conditionally accepted papers. Shepherded papers will be accepted only after completing a successful shepherding process, which usually takes 4-6 weeks.
The ACM MobiCom conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions in the field of wireless networking and mobile computing. MobiCom solicits papers that address important research challenges, including but not limited to communication networks, energy, computing, security, and user experience. Successful papers should propose novel ideas to attack such problems through rigorous analysis, system design, and/or real-world measurement and deployment of mobile networks, systems, and applications.
We want MobiCom ’21 to be daring and emphasize novelty and creativity. The more novel the concept, the harder it can be to fully develop or evaluate all aspects, and the review process will take this into account. We encourage authors to discuss not only the significance but also the limitations of their ideas. We strongly encourage authors to describe how they will provide access to well-documented datasets, modeling and/or simulation tools, and codebases to support the reproducibility of their methods. MobiCom continues the two-deadline model and the reviewing process with a one-shot revision to improve the quality and timeliness of publications.
We invite submissions on a wide range of mobile computing and wireless networking research, including but not limited to:
· Applications of machine learning to mobile/wireless research
· Backscatter communication and wireless power
· Edge computing
· Embedded and energy-harvesting systems
· Experimental platforms and infrastructures for wireless/mobile research
· Implanted and wearable computing
· Intersection between mobile/wireless research, cloud computing, and software-defined networking
· Long-range/Low-power wide-area wireless networking
· Low-latency networking
· Machine-to-machine communications
· Millimeter wave and terahertz communications
· Mobile data science & analysis
· Mobile health
· Mobile networks (5G and beyond)
· Mobile web, video, virtual reality, and other applications
· Novel applications of wireless signals
· Robotic and drone-based networking
· Security and privacy issues/solutions for mobile/wireless systems
· Sensing with radio, light, sound, and acoustics
· Ubiquitous computing and mobile human computer interaction
· Visible light communications
· Wireless localization and tracking
In addition to *full* research papers as described above, MobiCom also invites submission in the following three categories:
Challenge Papers
The conference invites submissions of short papers (limited to eight pages excluding references) that present revolutionary new ideas or that challenge existing assumptions prevalent among the wireless research community. These "challenge papers" should provide stimulating ideas or visions that may open up exciting avenues and/or influence the direction of future research. Descriptions of new products or evolution of existing work are not appropriate topics for papers in this category. While an exhaustive evaluation of the proposed ideas is not necessary, insight and in-depth understanding of the issues is expected. Challenge papers will be reviewed by the program committee and if selected, become part of the conference technical program and be published in the conference proceedings. Challenge papers should be submitted using the same submission procedure adopted for the full papers. The title of these papers must bear a "Challenge:" prefix.
Experience Papers
The conference invites submission of short papers (limited to eight pages excluding references) that present extensive experiences with implementation, deployment, and operations of mobile systems and wireless networks. Desirable papers are expected to contain real data as well as descriptions of the practical lessons learned. The experience papers will be evaluated by the program committee, primarily for (i) richness of their data or experiences, (ii) inferences drawn or lessons learned, (iii) discovery of new problems, and (iv) their impact/potential impact on current and future mobile systems and wireless networks, as well as on society. Note that a paper that builds a system and presents a limited experimental evaluation is NOT suitable as an experience paper. Selected experience papers will become a part of the conference technical program and will be published in the conference proceedings. Experience papers should be submitted according to the same submission procedure as full papers, and their title must bear an "Experience:" prefix.
Verification Papers
The conference invites submission of short papers (limited to eight pages excluding references) that seek to verify and/or characterize recent breakthrough results in mobile computing using rigorous experimental methodologies with the goal of extensively and thoroughly characterizing the operating parameters under which these results can be reproduced. Selected verification papers will become a part of the conference technical program and will be published in the conference proceedings. Verification papers should be submitted according to the same submission procedure as full papers, and their title must bear a "Verification:" as a prefix.
Two Deadlines and One-shot Revision
MobiCom ’21 offers authors the options of two deadlines and adds a one-shot revision process to enhance the timeliness and quality of the scientific results from the research community. Each paper will go through the same rigorous reviewing process as in previous MobiCom conferences. The review decisions will be one of the following:
· *Accept*: Accepted papers will be presented at the MobiCom conference and appear as part of the proceedings and the MobiCom website. Note all the papers in this category will initially be *conditionally accepted*. The papers that go through a successful *anonymous* shepherding process will eventually be accepted.
· *Reject*: Rejected papers cannot be resubmitted until 11 months have passed since the last MobiCom deadline they were submitted to. We strongly encourage the authors to address the feedback they got before re-submitting the paper to MobiCom.
· *One-Shot-Revision*: Papers, where a revision is required, will be given specific action points and can be resubmitted for the *next* deadline. For such papers, the reviewers will articulate a maximum of three major changes/clarifications that they would like to see. After the resubmission, the paper will be evaluated based on whether the authors have properly addressed the reviewers’ requests. Unlike in the shepherding process, the requested action points may include running additional experiments that obtain specific results and could take more than 4-6 weeks. During this revision period, the paper is still considered under review to MobiCom and therefore cannot be submitted to other conferences unless the authors first withdraw it from consideration.
Additional details on the paper submission process can be found at https://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2021/cfp.html. Please refer to the Call for Papers page on the ACM MobiCom 2021 website for important information regarding the paper submission and review process.
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/