Dear Colleague,
this is a quick reminder that the submissions for EUROMEDIA'2008, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, April 9-11, can be sent in from January 20 onwards till February 5.
More info about the event can be found on: http://www.eurosis.org/cms/?q=taxonomy/term/100
The workshops page has been updated: http://www.eurosis.org/cms/index.php?q=node/476 especially the track on D-TV
The venue page has been updated: http://www.eurosis.org/cms/index.php?q=node/478
The hotel page has been updated: http://www.eurosis.org/cms/index.php?q=node/471
Regards Philippe
- Philippe Geril Tel: + EUROSIS -ETI Fax: + Ghent University E-mail: philippe.geril@eurosis.org Dept.of Industrial Mgmt. E-mail: pgeril@yahoo.co.uk Technologiepark 903 URL: http://www.eurosis.org Campus Ardoyen B-9052 Ghent-Zwijnaarde Belgium ********************************************************************* * Your Scientific information site on * * Computer Simulation - Concurrent Engineering - Multimedia- Games * * WWW.EUROSIS.ORG * *********************************************************************
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