Von: Habib Ammari <hammari@UMICH.EDU>
Gesendet: 19. November 2014 22:58:45 MEZ
An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IJCS-Special Issue on Energy-efficient Networking
(Indexed by SCIE - 2013 Impact Factor: 1.106)
*Special Issue on “Energy-efficient Networking”*
Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad S. Obaidat
ISSN: 1074-5351
Fueled by the increasing popularity of the Internet and evermore
bandwidth-hungry services, networking technologies constitute one of the
most fast growing areas in the field of the IT industry. This fast growth
has led to a point where the energy expenditure of networking
infrastructure constitutes a significant portion of the total energy
expenditure and moreover, the trend is towards an additional increase.
Thus, the development of energy efficient networking technologies for the
various segments (backbone and
access parts) of today's Internet has
recently emerged as a significant research area. The primary focus of such
green technologies, is towards reduction of the energy footprint of the
networking infrastructure, thus enabling sustainable development, low
operational costs and environmental safety.
The objective of this special issue is to report state-of-the art results
in energy-efficient networking protocols by welcoming contributions
originating from both academic and industrial research. These should be
original contributions solicited in relevant areas of energy-efficient
networking protocols.
Topics (Areas of interest for this special issue include the following
-Algorithms for energy-efficient design and operation of optical backbone
-Energy-efficient protocols for optical access networks
-Energy-efficient protocols in wireless networking
-Energy-efficient MAC
-Energy-Efficient Protocols for mobile networks,
-Energy-Efficient Protocols for sensor networks
-Energy-efficient protocols in machine to machine networks
-Energy-efficient protocols in RFID networks
-Energy-efficient routing protocols
-Energy-efficient transport protocols
-Adaptive energy-efficient protocols
-Performance evaluation studies of energy-efficient solutions
-Tools and models for energy-efficient network design
-Application and implementation issues
Manuscript due date: November 30, 2014
Decision notification: January 30, 2015
Submission of final manuscript: February 20, 2015
Tentative Publication date: Fourth Quarter, 2015
Submission & Review Instruction
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently
submitted for journal publication elsewhere. Submissions must be submitted
via IJCS submission system: http://www3.interscience.
wiley.com/journal/5996/home Please mention “SI on Energy Efficient Nets" as
the special issue title in the covering letter and also in the appropriate
fields of the online form which requests this information. Paper
submissions must conform to the layout and format guidelines in
international journal of communication systems. Instructions for
Contributors are in:http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/5996/home/
Guest Editors
Prof. Panagiotis Sarigiannidis
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of
Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
Email: psarigiannidis@uowm.gr
Prof. Petros Nicopolitidis
Dept. of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Email: petros@csd.auth.gr
Prof. Xiaolin Zhou
Dept. of Communication Science and Engineering, Fudan University , China
Email: zhouxiaolin@fudan.edu.cn
Prof. Habib M. Ammari
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Email: hammari@umd.umich.edu
Best Regards,
Habib M. Ammari
Habib M. Ammari, Associate Professor Office: 129 CIS
Founding Director, WiSeMAN Research Lab WiSeMAN: 132 CIS Building
Department of Computer and Information Science Phone: (313) 593-5239
College of Engineering and Computer Science Fax: (313) 593-4256
University of Michigan-Dearborn Email:
Dearborn, Michigan 48128 Home
page: http://www-personal.engin.umd.umich.edu/~hammari/
IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.