-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] CfP - MCS'03 Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 15:45:43 +0100 From: Andrzej Pach pach@kt.agh.edu.pl To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
We are sorry to take some of your time, we think it would be interesting for you to know that we have extended the deadline, therefore, we send you once more, the invitation to participate in MCS'2003 and the respective Call For Papers, as follows:
The University of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications and Swietokrzyska Academy (address ul. Swietokrzyska 15, room 245, 25-406 Kielce, Poland) in co-operation with the IEEE Krakow Communications Society Chapter organize**
*Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services (MCS'03)*
It will take place on April 23-25, 2003 in Kielce, Poland. Persons interested in the participation in this workshop and/or submission of papers are kindly requested to fulfill the notification of the participation form at the bottom of this call-for-papers and send it together with the full version of paper by March 10, 2003 to Prof. Mariusz Ziolko (e-mail: ziolko@agh.edu.pl). The editor requirements for the preparation of the papers are presented on
Papers accepted by the Program Committee:
Prof.Dr. Andrzej Pach (Department of Telecommunications AGH, Krakow, Poland) - chairman Prof.Dr. Mariusz Ziolko (University of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications, Kielce, Poland) - vice-chairman Prof.Dr. Andrzej Dziech (University of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications, Kielce, Poland) Prof.Dr. Anton Kummert (Wuppertal University, Germany) Prof.Dr. Marek Pajek (Swietokrzyska Academy, Kielce , Poland) Dr. Ignacy Pardyka (University of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Kielce, Poland) Prof.Dr. Bernd Tibken (Wuppertal University, Germany) Prof.Dr. Jacob Wassermann (Fachhochschule St.Pölten, Austria)
will be presented during the workshop and published in the proceedings. The language of the workshop will be English. The workshop fee is 150 EURO.
NOTIFICATION Hereby I notify my participation in the Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services 2003
Name .................................................................................................
Title .............................................
Affiliation ........................................................................................
Address .............................................................................................
Phone .......................................... Fax .............................................
E-mail ...................................................
Paper title ........................................................................................