-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] 16th IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS 2021) Datum: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 16:49:54 +0200 Von: Michele Segata msegata@DISI.UNITN.IT Antwort an: Michele Segata msegata@DISI.UNITN.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Dear colleagues,
Please find below the Call for Papers for next year's edition of WONS
IEEE/IFIP WONS 2021 - Call for Papers 16th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference
9-11 March 2021 Klosters, Switzerland
Wireless on-demand network systems and services have become pivotal in shaping our future networked world. Starting as a niche application over Wi-Fi, they can now be found in mainstream technologies like Bluetooth LE, LTE Direct and Wireless LANs, and have become the cornerstone of upcoming networking paradigms including mesh and sensor networks, cloud networks, vehicular networks, disruption tolerant and opportunistic networks, and in-body networks.
The challenges of this exciting research field are numerous. Examples include how to make smart use of these novel technologies when multiple technologies or a mix of permanent services and on-demand networking opportunities are available to a network node, how to provide robust services in highly dynamic environments, how to efficiently employ and operate heavily resource-constrained devices, and how to develop robust and lightweight algorithms for self-organization and adaptation. Finally, there are many application-specific challenges.
WONS, now in its sixteenth edition, is a high quality forum to address these challenges. WONS aims to provide a global platform for rich interactions between experts in their fields, discussing innovative contributions in a stimulating environment.
This announcement solicits original contributions of high-quality research providing novel insights on all aspects of wireless on-demand networks and systems; from protocol and network design, modeling, performance evaluation, energy efficiency, models and mechanisms, practical implementations, service level aspects, application use-cases, to the integration of multiple wireless network technologies.
Accepted and presented papers will appear in the conference proceedings published in the IFIP Open Access Digital Library and will also be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
This edition of WONS will take place in the beautiful mountains of Switzerland, where we will hopefully meet face-to-face for great discussions. Yet, conscious of the circumstances, the organizing committee will keep the COVID situation under observation and, if deemed necessary, might allow people with travel restrictions to present their work remotely.
Topics of interest comprise, but are not limited to: - Cognitive radio networks - Network management - Cross-layer design - Modeling and optimization - Energy-efficient protocols and power management - Mobile computing and services - Heterogeneous wireless networks - New architectures for on-demand wireless systems - Implementations and testbeds - Novel applications and services - Integration and co-existence of heterogeneous technologies - Opportunistic, delay-tolerant, and dissemination-based protocols - Intra-body and biomedical on-demand systems - Performance evaluation through simulations and experiments - Green wireless networks - Pervasive and ubiquitous computing - Localization and mobility management - Security, privacy, and trust - MAC and advanced PHY technologies - Social and economic aspects - Middleware aspects - Underwater on-demand networked systems - Mobile peer-to-peer systems - Architectures and protocols for the Internet of Things - Vehicular networks - Device-to-device communication for 5G and 6G architectures
This edition will additionally include a special session titled "Smartphone Apps for Contact Tracing - Experiences with COVID-19 Tracing Apps", addressing the issues related to pandemic control and tracing.
Important information ---------------------
Full Papers Due: December 4, 2020 Notification of Acceptance: January 29, 2021 Camera-ready papers due: February 12, 2021
Submission link: https://edas.info/N27696
Organizing Committee --------------------
General Chair Raphaël Frank, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
General vice- and Local Arrangement Chair Christoph Bösch, Ulm University, Germany
TPC Chairs Michele Segata, Free University of Bolzano, Italy Uichin Lee, KAIST, South Korea
Special Session Chair Frank Kargl, Ulm University
Publication and Web Chair François Robinet, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Steering Committee Renato Lo Cigno, University of Brescia, Italy Falko Dressler, TU Berlin, Germany Edward W. Knightly, RICE University, USA Ioannis Stavrakakis, University of Athens, Greece Kostantinos Psounis, University of Southern California, USA Andrea Passarella, National Research Council, Italy
More Information ----------------
For further information and updates on the conference, please refer to the official website: http://2021.wons-conference.org/