-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: IFIP Networking, 22-24 May 2013 - Brooklyn, New York, USA Datum: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 18:02:35 -0500 Von: Yong Liu yongliu@poly.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
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Call for Papers: IFIP Networking 2013 22-24 May 2013 - Brooklyn, New York, USA http://networking2013.poly.edu/
Important Dates: Abstract Registration: December 10, 2012 Full Paper Submission: December 17, 2012 Acceptance Notification: March 11, 2013 Camera Ready: March 25, 2013
Networking 2013, to be held at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University in Brooklyn, is the 12th event of the series of International Conferences on Networking sponsored by the IFIP Technical Committee on Communication Systems (TC6). The main objectives of Networking 2013 are to bring together members of the networking community from both academia and industry, to discuss recent advances in the broad and quickly-evolving field of computer and communication networks, and to highlight key issues, identify trends, and develop visions for the networking domain. The technical sessions will be structured around four main areas:
Network Architecture: peer-to-peer networks, virtual and overlay networks, cloud-computing architecture, network management and traffic engineering, internet of things, addressing and routing architectures, evolution of IP network architecture and protocols, green networking (energy and power management), performance measurement, monitoring and traffic analysis, resilient networks (fault tolerance, network recovery, self-healing), cross-layer design and optimization, mobility (user, device, service, network), content-centric networks, broadband access technologies, resource allocation, switching and routing, network virtualization.
Applications and Services: social networks, web architectures and protocols, middleware support for networking, quality of experience, pricing and billing, authentication, security, trust and privacy, anomaly and malware detection, DoS detection and mitigation, content distribution, advertising and media networks, assistive networking, disaster-recovery networks, networking support for SmartGrids.
Wireless Networking: ad-hoc and mesh networks, mobile networks, cellular networks, sensor networks, delay/disruption tolerant networks, opportunistic networks, embedded systems, RFID-based systems, cyber-physical systems.
Network Science: network complexity, network neutrality, topology characterization and inference, network modeling, network measurement, robustness and vulnerabilities of network infrastructures, emergence properties of real networks, dynamic peer-to-peer network topologies, epidemic spread models, user behavior inference, tools and techniques to design and analyze networks, community detection and modularity optimization, game theoretic approaches to communications and networks
Paper Format: Papers may be up to nine pages, double column, 10+ points font, in IEEE Transaction paper format, see the conference website for paper submission details.
Organizing Committee
General Chair: Shiv Panwar, NYU Poly, USA
Technical Program Committee Chairs Kenjiro Cho, IIJ Research Lab, Japan Timur Friedman, UPMC Sorbonne Universités, France Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota, USA
Steering Committee: George Carle, TU Munich, Germany Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy Pedro Cuenca, Universidad de Castilla-la-Mancha, Spain Guy Leduc, University of Liège, Belgium Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, USA
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc