-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] FutureNet'09 - Submission deadline approaching - only one week left Datum: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 06:27:05 +0100 Von: Rolf Winter Rolf.Winter@nw.neclab.eu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
************************ Final CALL FOR PAPERS ************************
Future-Networks 2009 International Workshop on the Network of the Future 2009
18 June 2009, Dresden, Germany
In conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Communications
Submission deadline: November 15, 2008
Today's Internet architecture is stifling innovation, restricting it mostly to the application layer. From a number of angles it appears that we have reached a point in the impressive development cycle of the Internet that now requires some major change. However, research and development in these areas is still at an early stage and the space of potential solutions is far from being explored.
The International Workshop on the Network of the Future (Future-Net 09) is a platform for both clean-slate as well as evolutionary approaches for a redesign of the Internet. It will uniquely bring together approaches driven from mobile and wireless demands, network virtualization, network self-management, content and sensor networking and discuss these from both a technical as well as socio-economic perspective.
Topics of Interest: We solicit contributions that report early results addressing research challenges in topics related to the network of the future. Particularly, we want to identify and address issues with a high potential for significant impacts on the way the network is functioning and being used. The workshop welcomes submissions from both researchers and practitioners but fresh ideas in the form of early results, position papers and systems papers are particularly welcome.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to: - Alternatives to established technologies such as routing - Re-design and re-evaluation of today's architectural principles - End-to-end virtualization of the network - Technology to introduce vital but missing functionality - Self-management of network services - New media-aware transport services - New approaches to network security - Mechanisms to interconnect extremely heterogeneous edge networks - Technology based on new communication paradigms - Wide-scale Internets of Things - Machine-to-machine networking - Socio-economic for the future Internet - Business models for the Internet of Things - Business drivers for radical changes in the network - Regulatory frameworks for a new networking layer
Important Dates: *Submission Deadline: 15 November 2008*
Acceptance Notification: 15 January 2009 Camera Ready Version Due: 01 March 2009
Paper Submission Guidelines: All papers will be reviewed by our international program committee. The guidelines follow ICC requirements which can be found here http://www.ieee-icc.org/2009/cfp_submission_proc.html.
For submission instructions please see our website http://www.future-network09.org/cfp.html.
Workshop Website: http://www.future-network09.org/
Organizing Committee: Norbert Niebert - Ericsson Mirko Presser - University of Surrey Rolf Winter - NEC
Technical Program Committee: Bengt Ahlgren - SICS Carmelita Görg - University of Bremen Christian Tschudin - Univ. Basel Dipankar Raychaudhuri - Rutgers University Fabrice Forest - University Pierre Mendez France Francisco Valera - University Carlos III de Madrid Jilles van Gurp - Nokia Hannu Flinck - Nokia Siemens Networks Henrik Abramowicz - Ericsson Holger Karl - Univ. Paderborn James Roberts - France Telecom Jussi Haapola - University of Oulu Laurent Herault - CEA-LETI Luis Correia - TU Lisbon Marcus Brunner - NEC Marimuthu Palaniswami - University of Melbourne Martina Zitterbart - Univ. Karlsruhe Masugi Inoue - NICT, Japan Michael Menth - University of Würzburg Michael Soellner - Alcatel-Lucent Michele Zorzi - University of Padova Paul Havinga - University of Twente Pedro A. Aranda - Telefonica Pekka Nikander - Ericsson Philip Eardley - BT Pierre Francois - UC Louvain Rahim Tafazolli - Univerity of Surrey Richard Egan - Thales Research and Technology UK Stefan Schmid - NEC Stephan Haller - SAP Wolfgang Mühlbauer - T-Labs
The organizers
NEC Europe Limited | Registered Office: NEC House, 1 Victoria Road, London W3 6BL | Registered in England 2832014
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