15th IFIP/IEEE Distributed Systems: Operations and Management November 15-17, 2004, Davis, California, USA
Recent efforts in the network and system computing community have been to create systems that are goal-driven, that use resources optimally and transparently to the clients, are uniformly manageable irrespective of the inherent heterogeneity and are autonomic. On the other hand, in the academic research community and grid computing community, many networked computing infrastructures, such as Emulab and Planetlab, have been built and shared among research scientists to run various types of research experiments. Utility Computing (UC) is a paradigm that enables distributed resources (network, systems, applications, services) being provided to users on-demand and in a uniform manner. A utility infrastructure thus has to be dynamic, virtualized, secure and automated, in nature and operate on a wide range of resources. While the UC paradigm itself will very likely enable many exciting distributed applications over the Internet in the near future, technologies related to the manage ment of networks, computing systems, and resources under utility computing systems must be carefully studied and examined. Therefore, this year's DSOM workshop will focus on infrastructure, techniques and methods that can be used to enable the paradigm of utility computing.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Management Architectures Automation for enabling self-management, self-configuration, and policy-based management Management Information Models Use of service-oriented architectures (web services, grid services) for management Provisioning/Maintaining the Performance and QoS Management Security, Privacy, and Isolation Fault Management and Fault Tolerance Monitoring, event and fault handling Closed-loop management Configuration, Accounting, Billing Experience with distributed Management of Systems, Applications, Networks Inter-domain management Adaptive Services and Applications Transaction Monitoring and Management Integration with Standardized frameworks, management APIs and models (CIM/WBEM, OSI/TMN, CORBA, SNMP, JMX etc) Implementation, Instrumentation, and Experience
Important Dates:
Submission: May 24, 2004 Notification: July 12, 2004 Camera ready version: Aug 5, 2004 Workshop date: November 15, 2004
Paper submissions must present original, unpublished research or experiences. Late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing research are also encouraged to be submitted to DSOM 2004.
Papers under review elsewhere MUST NOT be submitted to DSOM 2004
Authors are requested to submit:
-Long papers (up to 12 single-spaced single-column pages) or -Short papers describing work-in-progress (up to 2 pages)
in PDF or postscript format via the "Paper Submission" link (from March 1, 2004 on) of the web site.
Program Committee Chairs:
Akhil Sahai Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo-Alto, CA, USA
S. Felix Wu University of California, Davis, USA
Technical Program Committee:
Nikos Anerousis IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Raouf Boutaba University of Waterloo, Canada Torsten Braun University of Bern, Switzerland Marcus Brunner NEC Europe, Germany Mark Burgess University College Oslo, Norway Omar Cherkaoui Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada Metin Feridun IBM Research, Switzerland Olivier Festor LORIA-INRIA, France Kurt Geihs TU Berlin, Germany Wolfgang Gentzsch Sun Microsystems, USA Heinz-Gerd Hegering Institut für Informatik der LMU, Germany Joseph L Hellerstein IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Gabe Jakobson Smart Solutions Consulting, USA Gail E. Kaiser Columbia University, USA Gautam Kar IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Ryutaro Kawamura NTT Cyber Solutions Labs, Japen Alexander Keller IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Yoshiaki Kirha NEC, Japen Jaynarayan H. Lala Raytheon, USA Lundy Lewis Lundy Lewis Associates, USA Antonio Liotta University of Surrey, UK Emil Lupu Imperial College London, UK Hanan Lutfiyya University of Western Ontario, Canada J.P. Martin-Flatin CERN, Switzerland Subrata Mazumdar Avaya Labs Research, Avaya, USA Jose M. Nogueira Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil George Pavlou University of Surrey, UK Aiko Pras University of Twente, the Netherlands Juergen Quittek NEC Europe, Germany Danny Raz Technion, Israel Gabi Dreo Rodosek Leibniz Supercomputing Center, Germany Juergen Schoenwaelder International University Bremen, Germany Adarshpal Sethi University of Delaware, USA Sharad Singhal Hewlett Packard Labs, USA Morris Sloman Imperial College London, UK Rolf Stadler KTH, Sweden Radu State LORIA-INRIA, FRANCE Burkhard Stiller UniBW Munich, Germany & ETH Zurich, Switzerland Yi-Min Wang Microsoft Research, USA Carlos Becker Westphall Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
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