-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] NetSys2019: Call for posters and demos (Deadline: Dec 14, 2018) Datum: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 15:25:01 +0200 Von: Marc-Oliver Pahl pahl@net.in.tum.de Antwort an: Marc-Oliver Pahl pahl@net.in.tum.de An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
******************************************************************************** International Conference on Networked Systems 2019 CALL FOR POSTERS AND DEMOS March 18 till March 21, 2019 - Garching b. München, Germany www.netsys2019.org http://www.netsys2019.org/ -- https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25280 https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25280 ********************************************************************************
The Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2019) is a biennial event that provides an international forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to discuss recent innovations in the realm of networked systems. The NetSys conference proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore. NetSys 2019 is co-organized by GI KuVS and ITG. Included in the conference is the annual 1-day ITG expert symposium "Future of Networking"s (Zukunft der Netze, ZdN), with presentations organized on an invitation-only basis. NetSys 2019 will also feature a session on hot topics in networking, separate workshops, tutorials, and a PhD forum. NetSys solicits submission of high-quality, original scientific work presenting novel research on the wide range of networked systems.
The NetSys 2019 poster and demo sessions showcase works-in-progress in an informal setting. The topics of interest are identical to the research topics in the NetSys 2019 conference call for papers. We strongly encourage student and industry submissions. The NetSys 2019 Poster and Demo committee will review all posters and demo proposals. Authors of accepted papers in NetSys 2019 may not submit the same work to this call.
=============== Important Dates =============== Paper Submission: December 14, 2018 Notification: January 28, 2019 For other dates (Hot Topics, workshop proposals, PhD Forum, etc.) see www.netsys2019.org http://www.netsys2019.org/
===================== Submission Guidelines =====================
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not considered elsewhere for publication. Demo and Poster papers must be 2 pages including all content + 1 extra page for references and acknowledgments. Demo submissions should incorporate a brief description of the demo and a system architecture illustration. Demo and poster papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be included in the electronic conference/workshops proceedings bundle and will be subsequently made available via IEEExplore.
IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates and formatting instructions will be available on the conference website.
Contributions should be submitted electronically as PDF, using the IEEE conference publishing template, via the conference submission website at https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25280 https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25280.
===================== NetSys 2019 Committee =====================
*General Chairs* Georg Carle, Technical University of Munich, IN Wolfgang Kellerer, Technical University of Munich, ECE
*TPC Chairs* Tobias Hossfeld, University of Würzburg Jörg Ott, Technical University of Munich
*Posters and Demo Chairs* Andreas Blenk, Technical University of Munich Florian Metzger, University of Würzburg Marc-Oliver Pahl, Technical University of Munich