-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Comsoc-ETC-sub-IOT] [ASPI 2013] Deadline approaching (15 July) - CFP: Adaptive Security & Privacy Management for the Internet of Things (ASPI 2013) Datum: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 10:42:29 +0200 Von: Habtamu Abie habtamu.abie@nr.no An: comsoc-etc-sub-iot@ipv6forum.com
Call for Papers: International Workshop on Adaptive Security & Privacy Management for the Internet of Things (ASPI 2013)
Workshop Website: http://asset.nr.no/asset/index.php/ASPI2013 Time and Location: September 8th (Sunday) 2013, Zurich, Switzerland Co-located at the 15th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp2013, http://www.ubicomp.org/ubicomp2013/)
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) denotes the interconnection of highly heterogeneous networked entities and networks following a number of communication patterns such as: human-to-human (H2H), human-to-thing (H2T), thing-to-thing (T2T), or thing-to-things (T2Ts). Currently, the IoT presents a strong focus of research with various initiatives working on the (re)design, application, and use of existing and new Internet technology for the IoT. Several significant challenges should be addressed to fulfil the IoT vision, including security and privacy. The Internet is already under continuous threats and the addition of many additional types of devices and interaction will open new security breaches so as to spark new malicious actions. Security and privacy management for the IoT remains a core challenge. The proposed workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from relevant fields to present and disseminate ongoing research for vision for the security and privacy models, protocols, algorithms, context-awareness for security, and devices that can be implemented in the Internet of Things and to relate these to ubiquitous computing. It aims to facilitate knowledge transfer and synergy, bridge gaps between the IoT and UbiComp research communities and related groups for mutual benefit, to help identify opportunities and challenges for interested researchers, system developers and innovators. It will cover topics at both theoretical and applied aspects in this multi-disciplinary research area. The workshop will be organised in a proactive and encompassing format, i.e., containing a mixture of invited talks, oral presentations and an open panel discussion. Workshop topics include but is not limited to (see also the full call): security and privacy for IoTs, Context awareness for Adaptive Security and Privacy, Identity Management, Privacy Management, Legislative Approaches to Privacy, User surveillance, Lightweight and Low Energy Cryptosystems, Protecting unattended devices, User-centred security, Privacy and Safety Management, Risk Analysis, Security Monitoring, Trust and governance models, Fault-tolerant IoT architectures, Adaptive Security and Privacy Models and their Evaluation.
Audience: The workshop aims to attract researchers and practitioners from cross-disciplinary and relevant research communities involved in IoT security and privacy including those that work in next generation internets such as sensor networks, mobile device networks, distributed, mobile and autonomous systems and services, context-aware systems, distributed AI and HCI. For researchers this workshop opens up application opportunities and technological challenges. For solution developers and providers of specific application domain, this workshop provides an opportunity for them to convey their needs and requirements, and also obtain first-hand information on the latest advances in technologies, prototypes, and application exemplars. We encourage participation from both academia and industry with emphasis on technological innovation and practical applications.
Publication & submission: All accepted workshop papers will be included in the ACM digital library and the supplemental proceedings. In addition, it is planned that selected high-quality papers will be invited to be revised and extended to be published in a special issue of an appropriate journal. We invite two types of submissions for this workshop: Full Technical Papers (10 pages) and Short Position Papers (2 pages). All submissions should be formatted according to the Ubicomp ACM Word or Latex Template and must be directly sent in PDF format via email to the organizers Stefan Poslad (stefan@eecs.qmul.ac.uk) or Mohamed Hamdi (mmh@supcom.rnu.tn) or Habtamu Abie (Habtamu.Abie@nr.no)
Important Dates: Paper Submission Deadline (15 July, 2013); Acceptance Notification (26 July); Camera Ready Version (31 July); Workshop (8 September).
Organizers: Stefan Poslad, Queen Mary University of London, stefan@eecs.qmul.ac.uk; Mohamed Hamdi, University of Carthage, Tunisia, mmh@supcom.rnu.tn; Habtamu Abie, Norwegian Computing Center, habtamu.abie@nr.no.
See full Call for Papers on the Web-Site (http://asset.nr.no/asset/index.php/ASPI2013) for more details.