-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Von: Luca Foschini luca.foschini@UNIBO.IT Gesendet: Mon Jul 01 14:00:00 MESZ 2013 An: itc@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [InternetTC] CFP: Firm deadline: July 7! - GLOBECOM'13 - Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA)
Firm deadline for all Globecom workshops: July 7. One week to submission!
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Call For Papers
IEEE GLOBECOM (Global Communications Conference) 2013 International Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA) 9-13 December 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Workshop web: http://cloud.it.teithe.gr/index.html
EDAS submission web link: https://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=14939 Paper submission deadline: July 7, 2013
Supporting organizations: IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Technical Subcommittee on Green Communications and Computing, Special Interest Group on Green Data Center and Cloud Computing, IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Communications, IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks
Best papers will be invited for Special Issues in: - International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCI-indexed) - Network Protocols and Algorithms (SCI-indexed to be announced) - International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (ACM Digital Library indexed)
Scope and motivation: Cloud Computing Systems offer users flexible accesses to computing, data resources, communication networks, services, and applications. The increasing deployment of cloud applications has created demands for designing a reliable, secured, and efficient cloud system. Cloud applications come with various needs. Some cloud applications require intensive computing resources, while others may emphasize on data storage and with a certain level on data protection. Therefore, it is challenging to design a cloud computing system that can meet various requirements from diverse cloud applications and services. The first International workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks and Applications (CCSNA-2013) will be a forum for scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, and developments in Cloud computing system and network designs that can support existing and future applications and services.
Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to: Topics of interest
* Cloud computing systems and networking - principles, designs, analyses, and performance - Theoretical analysis for cloud systems - Cloud system and network design - Optimization for cloud computing, networking, and applications - Green cloud systems and networking - Storage, data, and analytics for clouds design and networking - Virtualization for cloud computing systems and networking - Modeling and performance analysis for cloud system, network and storage - Intra-cloud/inter-cloud computing and networking - Cloud computing architectures and cloud solution design patterns - Cloud migration, composition, federation, bridging, and bursting - Cloud provisioning and migration - Cloud DevOps - Cloud system design with FPGA, GPU, APU - Network Programmability, Software-Defined Networking and Virtual Ethernet Switching
* Big data, data centers, and cloud managements - Big data storage and networking - Real-time resource reporting and monitoring for cloud management - Cloud quality management and service level agreement (SLA) - Cloud configuration, performance, and capacity management - Cloud workload profiling and deployment control - Autonomic business process and workflow management in clouds - Collaboration, management, and administration of clouds and services - Quality of service on clouds and applications, including reliability, availability - Scalability, performance, and load balance - Knowledge engineering and data mining techniques and systems on clouds - Data center network management, reliability, optimization, and bridging - Distributed data center architectures - Cloud traffic engineering and control-plane architectures
* Cloud services, applications, security, and interdisciplinary topics - Cloud system and storage security - Mobile cloud system design - Cloud media and storage design - Security, privacy, and compliance management for clouds - Self-service cloud portal, dashboard, and analytics - Infrastructure, platform, application, business, social, and mobile clouds - Security, privacy, and compliance management for public, private, and hybrid clouds - Innovative cloud applications and experiences - Economic, business and ROI models for cloud computing - Mobile-aware networking, protocols, and infrastructures - Content and service distribution in clouds - Audit, authentication and authorization in clouds - Service-oriented architecture in clouds - Cloud support for IoT and their services - Cloud for service discovery - Image processing and efficient video transmission on clouds - Multimedia service provisioning on clouds - MapReduce - Resilience, fault tolerance
* Surveys - Surveys on any topics above
Submission Guidelines http://www.ieee-globecom.org/submguide.html#.UXZo0KKLB30
Organizing Committee:
General Chairs: - Jinsong Wu, Bell Laboratories, China - Andy Rindos, IBM Research, USA - Moshe Zukerman, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Technical Program co-Chairs: - Chuan Heng Foh, University of Surrey, UK - Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece - Yaser Jararweh, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Invited Speaker and Panel co-Chairs: - Daniel C. Kilper, Columbia University, USA - Abdallah Khreishah, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA - Nabil J. Sarhan, Wayne State University, USA
Publication and EDAS co-Chair: - Zuqing Zhu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Publicity co-Chairs: - Burak Kantarci, University of Ottawa, Canada - Luca Foschini, University of Bologna, Italy - Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands - Christos Kouroupetroglou, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece - Fen Hou, University of Macau, Macu, China
Technical Program Committee - Mohamed Abdel-Maguid, University Campus Suffolk, UK - Samer Al-Kiswany, University of British Columbia, Canada - Hamada Alshaer, Khalifa University - Luigi Atzori, University of Cagliari, Italy - Elhadj Benkhelifa, Staffordshire University, UK - Jiann-Liang Chen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan - Marcello Cinque, University of Naples, Italy - Bernabe Dorronsoro, University of Lille, France - Hiroshi Esaki, The University of Tokyo, Japan - Luca Foschini, University of Bologna, Italy - Zonghua Gu, Zhejiang University, China - Fen Hou, University of Macau, Macau, China - Honggang Hu, University of Science and Technology of China, China - Burak Kantarci, University of Ottawa, Canada - Abdallah Khreishah, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA - Chin-Feng Lai, National Ilan University, Taiwan - Chonho Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore - Lei Liu, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc, Japan - Jaime Lloret, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain - Michel Marot, Institut TELECOM; Telecom SudParis, France - Jean-Marc Menaud, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France - Jelena Mišić, Ryerson University, Canada - Yongli Zhao, Beijng University of posts and telecommunications, China - Vojislav Mišić, Ryerson University, Canada - Cathryn Peoples, University of Ulster, UK - Zuqing Zhu, University of Science and Technology of China, China - Antonio Pescapé, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy - Venkatesha Prasad, Delft University of Technology, - Haibo Zhou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China - Joel Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior - Weidong (Larry) Shi, University of Houston, USA - Nicolas Sklavos, Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Greece - Zhili Sun, University of Surrey, UK - Yi Wei, University of Notre Dame, USA - Di Wu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China - Dong Yang, Broadcom Corporation, USA - Yawei Yin, University of California, Davis, USA - Chau Yuen, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore - Liqiang Zhang, Indiana University South Bend, USA - Xiao Zhang, NorthWest Polytechnical University, China - Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece - Chuan Heng Foh, University of Surrey, UK - Jinsong Wu, Bell Laboratories, China - Yaser Jararweh, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan.
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Luca Foschini, Ph.D. DISI -- Dipartime