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IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Special issue on "Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting"
SCOPE Broadcasting of multimedia content to mobile and portable devices such as cell phones or PDAs is a fast emerging area with huge economic impact. Broadcasting networks especially designed for mobile broadcasting like DVB-H, DMB and MediaFLO are currently under deployment. On the other side, 2.5G and 3G cellular networks are already offering multimedia services like Mobile TV to mobile devices. Whereas unicast multimedia streaming is used for Mobile TV today, multicast/broadcast extensions to mobile networks like 3GPP MBMS and 3GPP2 BCMCS are under standardization resulting in high capacity gains for mobile broadcasting via mobile networks. Combinations of cellular and non-cellular broadcasting networks are currently under investigation. New services for mobile multimedia broadcasting are on the way introducing new forms of interactivity, customization and personalization.
The objective of this special issue is to present state-of-the-art research activities contributing to all aspects of mobile multimedia broadcasting. Original contributions previously unpublished and not currently under review by another journal are solicited in relevant areas including (but are not limited to):
* Broadcasting via cellular networks * Cellular Multicast/Broadcast services: 3GPP MBMS, 3GPP2 BCMCS * Mobile broadcasting via DVB-H, DMB, MediaFLO and other systems * Mobile broadcasting via satellite * Standards for mobile multimedia broadcasting * Hybrid cellular/non-cellular broadcasting * Source coding for mobile multimedia broadcasting * Channel coding, modulation and signal processing techniques * Transceiver architecture and design * RF, antenna, receiver and hardware technologies * Mobile multimedia broadcasting applications * Mobile television * Interactive broadcasting services * Service layer for mobile broadcasting * Security and DRM * Field trials for mobile multimedia broadcasting
IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2006 Notification of review outcome: 1 October 2006 Submission of final version: 15 November 2006 Publication date: Q1/2007
Authors should follow the IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting format described in the Information for Authors at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/bt/authorinfo.htm. There will be only one round of reviews and acceptance will be limited to papers needing only moderate revisions. Prospective authors should submit a PDF version of their paper to Kathy Colabough at bt-pubs@ieee.org. Please indicate that the submission is for the special issue on "Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting".
GUEST EDITORS Dr. Markus Kampmann Ericsson Research Ericsson Allee 1 52134 Herzogenrath, Germany markus.kampmann@ericsson.com
Dr. Shuji Hirakawa. Technology Planning Division, Toshiba Corporation Toshiba Building, 36B Zone 1-1, Shibaura 1-Chome, Minato-Ku, TOKYO 105-8001 Japan. shuji.hirakawa@toshiba.co.jp
Dr. Xianbin Wang Communications Research Centre Canada 3701 Caring Avenue Ottawa Ontario Canada K2H 8S2 xianbin.wang@crc.ca
Dr. Yiyan Wu Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 3701 Caring Avenue Ottawa Ontario Canada K2H 8S2 yiyan.wu@crc.ca