-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: IWSAWC 2006 - 6th International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 13:28:24 GMT From: Martin Strohbach strohbach@comp.lancs.ac.uk To: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
************************************************************************ Call for Papers
IWSAWC 2006 6th International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing In conjunction with ICDCS 2006
July 4, 2006, Lisboa, Portugal (Submission deadline January 15, 2006) http://ubicomp.lancs.ac.uk/workshops/iwsawc2006
Through recent technological development researchers are now able to embed sensing, computation, communication and actuation in personal devices and everyday artefacts giving them the possibility to create large scale systems of interacting smart appliances, physical objects and wearable computers. This penetration of computation in all aspects of everyday life and work requires thorough exploration of new kinds of embedded and smart devices and software infrastructures and architectures that support such large-scale scenarios beyond the lab environment.
The diversity of systems, devices, services and applications and their distributed nature raises important questions about collaboration between system components. Appropriate solutions often have to take potential resource limitations of connected devices and appliances into account. Contextual awareness, digital representations of physical system components as well as access methods and processing of distributed information are of specific importance - especially as smart devices and objects along with their services are seamlessly integrated in the real world to support users in their daily living activities.
## Scope: This workshop serves as a forum for the exchange of new findings in collaborative technologies and smart appliances deployed in real world environments. We intend to bring together practitioners from academia as well as industry to present their most recent research in these rapidly moving fields. Technical papers on smart appliances and collaborative technologies are solicited for oral presentation at IWSAWC 2006. Papers reporting new developments in computing with smart devices such as PDAs, wearable computers, and cellular phones as well as new insights in instrumentation of everyday artefacts and their infrastructures will be invited for presentation. Workshop topics include but are not limited to:
- Enabling Technologies - Collaboration Concepts - Infrastructure Solutions - Home and Office Appliances - Novel Smart Objects - Portable Devices and Smart Sensors - Wireless-phone Computing - Home Networks and Wearable Networks - Networking Protocols - Security and Privacy Aspects - Wearable Computers and PDAs - Software and Service Architectures - Location and Context-Aware Computing
## Format: Authors of accepted papers will be invited for oral presentation at the workshop. There will also be a poster session provinding an opportunity for researchers to present their planned, on-going or recently-finished work and highlighting recent results in the field of Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing. Presenters are encouraged to show additional demonstrations facilitating the poster.
## Important Dates *********************************************** Submission deadline: January 15, 2006 Notification of acceptance: February 29, 2006 Camera ready papers: March 29, 2006 ***********************************************
## Paper Submission: Technical papers should be submitted via the workshop webpage, not exceed a maximum length of 6 two-column pages and include an abstract of 100-150 words. We explicitly welcome shorter papers reporting about current work in progress up to a maximum length of 3 two-column pages. Poster submissions should include an extended abstract of no longer than 2 pages in the workshop publications format, including all figures and references. Poster submissions may also include a further single page which describes the poster itself for review purposes, this may be a draft of the poster, or text describing the proposed layout. The use of this page is encouraged to convey to reviewers visual aspects of the envisioned poster which may not come across in the abstract, for example including a key graphic to be used in the poster. This supplemental page will not be published.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the organizing and program committee. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Papers should follow the IEEE format. Extended poster abstracts will be published as adjunct proceedings and wil be circulated to workshop participants. They will also be available under the program section of this webpage.
Please refer to our workshop homepage at http://ubicomp.lancs.ac.uk/workshops/iwsawc2006 for further information.
## Program Co-Chairs Martin Strohbach (Lancaster University, UK) Masateru Minami(Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
## Organizing Committee Yoshihiro Kawahara (University of Tokyo, Japan) Masayuki Iwai (KEIO University, Japan) Nicky Kern (Darmstadt University of Technology , Germany) Pedro Jose Marron (University of Stuttgart , Germany)
## Programme Committee Jalal Al-Muhtadi (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Michael Beigl (University of Karlsruhe , Germany) Christian Decker (University of Karlsruhe , Germany) Yasuyuki Kono (NAIST, Japan) Gerd Kortuem (Lancaster University, UK) Goro Kunito (NTT DoCoMo, Japan) Kristof Van Laerhoven (Lancaster University, UK) Kent Lyons (Georgia Tech, USA) Bernt Schiele (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany) Albrecht Schmidt (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t Munich, Germany) Kazunori Takashio (Keio University, Japan) Yasuo Tan (JAIST, Japan) Tsutomu Terada (Osaka University, Japan) Simon Tsang (Telcordia Research, USA) Khai Truong (University of Toronto, Canada)