-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] [Fwd: [Fwd: WiOpt'07 CFP]] Datum: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 01:20:58 +0300 Von: Christos Panayiotou christosp@ucy.ac.cy Organisation: University of Cyprus An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
WiOpt07: Call for Papers
5th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks
April 16-20, 2007, Limassol, Cyprus
Scope of the Symposium ===================================
The design of wireless networks offers challenges not present in fixed networks: both the offered traffic and the network capacity depend on the mobility of the nodes. The designs should not only be functioning correctly, they are also expected to optimize the performance with respect to many criteria, such as energy efficiency, quality of service, and capacity utilization. This symposium intends to bring together researchers and practitioners working on optimization of wireless network design and operations. It welcomes different perspectives, including performance analysis, protocol design, wireless communication, and optimization theory.
Contributions to this conference should improve the state-of-the-art in design, analysis, dimensioning and operations of wireless network by providing insights into theoretical aspects as well as providing practical methods and tools. All forms of wireless networks are of interest: from cellular wide-area and local-area networks to dense and sparse ad-hoc networks; domain specific vehicular, public-transport and personal-area networks as well as application-specific sensor networks.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Modeling of mobility and its influence on systems performance ** Approaches to dynamic spectrum allocation ** Interference control for unlicensed spectral bands ** Effective techniques for simulation of large wireless networks ** Delay and disruption tolerant wireless communication ** Fundamental performance limits ** Analysis and modeling based on measurements ** Protocol design for optimal system performance ** Pricing and incentives in mobile and ad-hoc networks ** Security and co-operation models and analysis ** Optimization techniques for performance, scalability and manageability ** Energy efficiency in mobile and sensor networks ** Measures of quality with associated performance evaluation
Submissions ============
Papers should be submitted as extended abstracts of up to 8 pages with single column format and one-and-a-half line spacing, and contain sufficient information to allow for a detailed review. Papers should be submitted in pdf or ps format (see the conference website www.wiopt.org for details). The final manuscript will be 10 pages in double column format. The proceedings will be published by IEEE and accepted papers will be available online via the IEEE website.
Adjunct Workshops ==================
Several one-day workshops will accompany the main WiOpt Symposium: *** WiNMee/WiTNeMo 2007 : International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements *** RAWNET 2007 : Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks *** SPASWIN 2007: Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks *** CONCOM 2007 : Control over Communication Channels *** WNC3 2007 : Wireless Networks: Communication, Cooperation and Competition
Important Dates =============== Submission deadline: October 6, 2006 Notification of acceptance: December 18, 2007 Camera-ready copy: January 19, 2007
Steering Committee ================== Imrich Chlamtac, CREATE-NET Italy Eitan Altman, INRIA, France Tamer Basar, UIUC,USA Jon Crowcroft, Cambridge Univ, UK Anthony Ephremides, Univ. of Maryland, USA Daniele Miorandi, CREATE-NET, Italy
Organizing Committee ==================== General Chair: *Leandros Tassiullas, Univ. of Thessally, Greece
Technical Program Co-Chairs *Leonidas Georgiadis, Aristotle Univ. Greece *Gunnar Karlsson, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
General Vice Chair *Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus
Local Arrangements Chair *Stavros Toumpis, University of Cyprus
Finance Chair *Karen Decker, ICST
Workshops Chair *C. D. Charalambous, University of Cyprus
Publicity Chair *Christos Panayiotou, University of Cyprus
Conference Coordinator *Zsuzsanna Lanyi-Kaszab, ICST
Sponsorship =========== Wiopt'07 is co-sponsored by Create-net, ICST, IFIP TC6.3, IEEE Information Theory, Control and Communications Societies (approval pending)
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