-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ISCC] IEEE ComMag SI on "Communications Middleware for Mobile Devices and Applications" Datum: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 15:28:39 +0200 Von: Paolo Bellavista paolo.bellavista@unibo.it An: iscc@mail.ing.unibo.it
Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this cfp ***************************************************************************************************** Call for Papers - *IEEE Communications Magazine *Special Issue on *"Communications Middleware for Mobile Devices and Applications"
*Paper submission deadline: December 31, 2010 Special issue publication: September 2011 *****************************************************************************************************
Since device miniaturization, wireless communications, and ubiquitous availability of sensors and computing/memory resources are making more and more feasible mobility-enhanced services to exploit all potential and opportunities of mobile computing, the ultimate goal of the mobility scenarios is becoming the realization of ubiquitous, pervasive, and eventually disappearing computing, i.e., the seamless and transparent collaboration of wireless devices to most human activities without the need of explicit user/administration intervention. However, this vision introduces novel challenging issues and strong motivations for next generation middleware supports (either infrastructure based or peer-to-peer) capable of simplifying the development, deployment, and runtime management of mobile applications that adapt to their changing execution environments with minimum impact and complexity for application developers. In particular, we claim that there is the need for novel middleware solutions capable of addressing connectivity-level, location-dependent, and context-dependent support aspects, by specifically focusing on tremendously challenging research issues, such as scalability and interoperability in open wide-scale deployment environments, which are all crucial for next generation mobile applications. According to this vision, this special issue intends to disseminate the latest results in the emergent and large research area of middleware for mobile devices and applications, by providing a fresh snapshot of the current state-of-the-art about middleware architectures, mechanisms, algorithms, and integrated frameworks. Practical experiences, extensive experimentation, and lessons learned from deployment over real wide-scale execution environments are welcome, as well as original disruptive proposals and groundbreaking ideas. In other words, we are seeking high-quality papers reporting original research results and practical experiences of system design/prototyping/deployment related to topics that include, but are not limited to: - Original mechanisms, algorithms, architectures, and frameworks for middleware support to heterogeneous mobile connectivity (always best served, simultaneous exploitation of multiple heterogeneous wireless interfaces, ); - Original mechanisms, algorithms, architectures, and frameworks for middleware support to location-dependent mobile applications; - Original mechanisms, algorithms, architectures, and frameworks for middleware support to context-dependent mobile applications; - Power-aware middleware for mobile devices and mobile applications; - Middleware for better exploitation of ubiquitous and under-utilized connectivity resources; - Infrastructure-based or peer-to-peer middleware for mobile collaborations and emerging aggregated behaviors of collaborative sharing; - Performance, reliability, and efficiency of middleware supports for mobile applications; - Scalability of middleware solutions over large deployment environments; - Practical experience with standards, standardized cross-layer APIs, and open deployment environments; - Middleware for mobile application porting and device fragmentation issues; - Predictive mobility/traffic models for proactive middleware management; - Simulation aspects and tools for mobile middleware; - Security (in particular, privacy) for mobile middleware; - Middleware for mobile application and smartphone platforms (Java ME, Windows Mobile, .NET Compact Framework, Android, iPhone, Symbian, etc.); - Middleware for mobile communications in urban-scale smart environments (smart homes, smart cars, smart cities, etc.); - Middleware for mobile applications for social networking, gaming, healthcare, culture, tourism, commerce, targeted advertising, etc.
_Submission Process: _Articles should be tutorial in nature and should be written in a style comprehensible to readers outside this special field. Authors must follow the IEEE Communications Magazine's guidelines for preparation of the manuscript. Complete guidelines for prospective authors can be found at http://dl.comsoc.org/livepubs/ci1/info/sub_guidelines.html. Please send PDF (preferred) or MS Word formatted papers to Manuscript Central ( http://commag-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com http://commag-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com/), register or log in, go to the Author Center and follow the instructions there.
_Important Dates: _- Paper submission deadline: *December 31, 2010 *- Notification to authors: *April 15, 2011* - Submission of camera-ready versions of accepted manuscripts: May 15, 2011 - Special issue publication: *September 2011
*_Guest Editors of the Special Issue: _- Guruduth S. Banavar, IBM, USA - Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna, Italy - Ravi Kothari, IBM, India - Nalini Venkatasubramanian, University of California Irvine, USA
Paolo Bellavista, Ph. D. Associate Professor in Computer Science Engineering EB Member of IEEE Communications, IEEE T. Services Computing, Elsevier Pervasive Computing, and Springer J. Network Systems Mgmt. DEIS - Università degli Studi di Bologna Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY) Tel# +39-051-2093866; Fax# +39-051-2093073 Email: paolo.bellavista@unibo.it Web: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/PaoloBellavista/