-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: 19th I4CS 2019 in Wolfsburg, Germany - Call for Papers (CfP) Datum: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 09:20:45 +0000 Von: Gerald.Eichler@telekom.de An: info@i4cs-conference.org
========================== CALL FOR PAPERS ============================ == == 19th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services == I4CS 2019, Wolfsburg, Germany, June 24 - 26, 2019 == == Conference http://www.i4cs-conference.org/ == Submission https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=i4cs2019 == Contact mailto:info@i4cs-conference.org == =========== publication by Springer CCIS series confirmed ============= Scope ----- Interdisciplinary thinking is a key success factor for any community. "Digital Innovations for the Public and Mobility Services" is the motto of the 19th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services (I4CS) be organized by the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in the automobile city Wolfsburg, June 24 till 26, 2019. It is dedicated to challenging aspects around modern private and business community services. Due to the rapid evolution of web technologies and rich mobile Internet devices, ICT community support is possible on the next quality level. In search of innovative solutions, multi-disciplinary collaboration among researchers, service providers and industry partners is essential to invent novel Internet community systems and services. Conference Topics ----------------- Technology: Distributed Architectures and Frameworks - Data architectures & models for community services - Innovation & social systems' management - Community self-organization in ad-hoc environments - Search, information retrieval & distributed ontologies - Common data models & big data analytics Applications: Communities on the Move: - Social networks & open collaboration - User generated content for business and social life - Recommender solutions & context awareness - Augmented reality & location-based gaming - Intelligent transportation, logistics & connected vehicles
Socialization: Ambient Work and Living - eHealth challenges & ambient assisted living - Smart energy & home control - Business models and municipal infrastructure - Digitalization, IoT & cyber physical systems - Security, identity & GDPR privacy protection Submission ---------- I4CS solicits submissions of unpublished papers presenting research results, industrial experiences and applications, as well as detailed specifications of open problems. Electronic submission is required. Full papers of no more than 16 pages written in English should be submitted as PDF files using the EasyChair conference management system. Submitted papers will be subject to a single-blind review process by at least three members of the program committee.
Publication ----------- As in the previous years, I4CS will publish their proceedings 2019 in the series Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) by Springer. Important Dates --------------- - Paper submission: February 20, 2019 - Author notification: March 31, 2019 - Camera-ready copies: April 15, 2019 - Authors' registration: April 15, 2019 - Conference date: June 24 - 26, 2019 Web Reference ------------- - Conference URL: http://www.i4cs-conference.org/ - Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=i4cs2019 - WikiCFP URL: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=82286 Your Contacts ------------- - Karl-Heinz Lüke, Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences Wolfsburg [conference-chair@i4cs-conference.org] - Gerald Eichler, Baden-Wuerttemberg University Mannheim [steering-chair@i4cs-conference.org] - Christian Erfurth, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena [progam-chair@i4cs-conference.org] - Günter Fahrnberger, T-Mobile Austria Vienna [publication-chair@i4cs-conference.org] For further details and news, please check regularly the conference URL at http://www.i4cs-conference.org/ Feel free to email info@i4cs-conference.org Kind regards Karl-Heinz Lüke, Gerald Eichler, Christian Erfurth, and Günter Fahrnberger
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