Final Call for Submissions to ICEC 2010


ICEC 2010: 9th International Conference on Entertainment Computing

“ Creative and Innovative Entertainment Theory, Science, Art and Contents in 21C”

Supported by IFIP=ACM+ACS+BCS+CIE+GI+IEEE+IPSJ+KIISE+SEE+many other organizations

September 8-11, 2010  *  Venue: COEX Seoul Korea  *  Website:


Important Dates:

March 15, 2010  Deadline for Full and Short Paper Submissions

April 15, 2010  Notification of Acceptance for Full and Short Paper Submissions

April 30, 2010  Deadline for Poster and Demo Submissions

May   15, 2010  Notification of Acceptance for Poster and Demo Submissions

June  10, 2010  Camera Ready Copy


Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair system:  

(either in PostScript format or in PDF format)

Please use the LNCS format for formatting your paper:


All paper submissions must include the author's name(s), affiliation, complete

mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address. 


A special issue with the “top ten” long papers will be published in the

international journal of Entertainment Computing (Elsevier):


All other accepted submissions will be published in the Proceedings (LNCS, Springer):

See e.g.


ICEC2010 will cover not only technical but also artistic, empirical and theoretical issues

regarding entertainment practices; we invite submissions of

- Full Papers:    not exceeding 12 pages

- Short Papers:   not exceeding  6 pages

- Posters, Demos: not exceeding  3 pages


Topics include (but are not limited to):

   Artificial Intelligence for Games//

   CG & Visual Effects//

   Computer, Video, Console and Internet Games//

   Creative Entertainment Theory and Design//

   Digital Broadcasting and Digital Cinema//

   Digital Entertainment and Sports//


   Entertainment Robots//

   Entertainment Technology, Applications, Interfaces and Architecture//

   Human Factors of Entertainment Technology//

   Human-Robot Interaction & Performance//

   Impact of Entertainment Technology on Users and Society//

   Integration of Interaction and Multimedia in Entertainment Systems//

   Interactive Graphic Design; Interactive Sound Design//

   Interactive Television and Broadcasting//

   Methodologies, Paradigms, Tools for Entertainment Applications//

   Narratives / Digital Storytelling//

   New Genres of Entertainment Technology//

   Simulation/Gaming Methodologies//

   Smart Gadgets and Toys//

   Social Impact, Social Networking, Sound and Music//

   TransMedia, Art and Entertainment//

   Ubiquitous/Pervasive Entertainment//

   VR/AR/MR Entertainment Contents//


Feel free to broadcast this information and to encourage people

to submit papers to ICEC 2010.


Best Regards.

Organizing Committee

Matthias Rauterberg (TUE), Fumio Kishino (OU), Young Jik Lee (ETRI)


General Chairs

Hyun Seung YANG (KAIST), Ryohei Nakatsu (NUS), Don Marinelli (CMU)