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International Conference on Networked Systems 2013 (NetSys 2013)
March 11-15, 2013. Stuttgart, Germany
Registration is open now: www.netsys2013.de/registration.html
Early registration deadline: January 31st, 2013
The Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2013) provides an international forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to discuss innovations in the realm of networked systems including aspects of networking, distributed systems, communications, middleware, and applications.
This biennial international conference is the successor of the conference series Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), which was started more than 30 years ago and developed to the major scientific event in German-speaking countries in the field of communications and distributed systems.
Please note this event is sponsored by IEEE, GI, and ITG.
This year's conference highlights include an outstanding technical program on recent advances in computer communications and networking comprising:
* Keynote addresses by R. Fechner (Member of Board of Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, President Bell Labs Germany), A. Feldmann (Professor, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin), and A. Rowstron (Principle Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge) * 16 technical papers reporting original research on networking, distributed systems middleware, security, and networked applications * Industry track with 6 invited talks from well-known experts in the field of cloud computing, network virtualization, and virtualization of embedded systems * Four half-day workshops and six half-day tutorials * Communication software demonstrations * Doctoral forum with poster sessions
* K. Rothermel, University of Stuttgart, Germany * A. Kirstädter, University of Stuttgart, Germany * J. Charzinski, HdM Stuttgart, Germany * M. Matthiesen, University of Stuttgart, Germany * C. Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany * K. Wehrle, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Looking forward to seeing you in Stuttgart!