-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: WMAN 2011 - submission/review schedule further extended! Datum: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 14:52:19 +0100 Von: Matthias Frank matthew@cs.uni-bonn.de Organisation: Institute of Computer Science IV, University of Bonn An: Matthias Frank matthew@cs.uni-bonn.de, Frank Kargl f.kargl@utwente.nl, Burkhard Stiller stiller@ifi.uzh.ch
Dear colleague,
to add to my message of Oct 29.: The KiVS committee has decided to extend the submission/review schedule of all KIVS'11 workshops, including WMAN 2011. The updated time schedule is: * November 22, 2010: Extended deadline for submissions. * December 19, 2010: Notification of acceptance. * January 14, 2011: Camera ready version. (also see http://wman2011.cs.uni-bonn.de/)
Thanks to those who already have submitted their paper to WMAN 2011 - and welcome to further incoming submissions - 12 days left until Nov. 22!
Best regards Matthias Frank, Frank Kargl, Burkhard Stiller
On 29.10.2010 17:33, Matthias Frank wrote:
Dear colleague,
due to several requests, we extended the submission deadline to WMAN by one week - see below the updated CfP.
Best regards Matthias Frank, Frank Kargl, Burkhard Stiller
============================================================================ Due to requests by authors, we have extended the deadline as follows: -- original deadline October 31 => extended to November 7 ============================================================================ Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Papers ============================================================================
6th Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (WMAN 2011) in conjunction with the 17th bi-annual Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems (KiVS)
(German: ITG/GI - Fachtagung "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS)")
March 8-11, 2011, Kiel, Germany http://www.kivs11.de/ Workshop URL: http://wman2011.cs.uni-bonn.de/
General information:
Welcome to the Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks! Based on the success of the preceding WMAN workshops of 2009 back to 2002, the workshop will also be organised for 2011. For the upcoming workshop, we are very happy to introduce WMAN 2011 for the third time being hosted in the context of the bi-annual ITG/GI conference on communication in distributed systems (German: ITG/GI - Fachtagung "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen") - see http://www.kivs11.de/.
A full version of the workshop Call for Papers can be found at http://wman2011.cs.uni-bonn.de/events/wman2011/wman11-cfp/ ... including information on paper submission.
Workshop paper topics include, but are not limited to:
• Basic Technologies (IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, ZigBee, …) and their suitability for ad-hoc net-works • Lower layer support for Ad-hoc Networks • Architectures and protocols • Routing mechanisms for ad-hoc networks • QoS in ad-hoc environments • Auto-configuration and inter-networking with other networks (like the Internet) • Security, privacy, and data protection in ad-hoc networks • Scalability and simulations of performance • Energy efficiency • Localization and location-based services in ad-hoc networks • Applications and application architectures (e.g., P2P) for ad-hoc networks • Software platforms and middleware for ad-hoc networks • Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) • Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) • Mesh networks • Ad-hoc in ubiquitous computing scenarios • Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) • Design and management of ad-hoc networks • Methods, models, and tools for designing, test-ing, and analyzing ad-hoc networks • Scalability and simulations • Architectures and protocols for large ad-hoc networks • Case-studies and experiences with of produc-tion-use ad-hoc networks • New application scenarios for ad-hoc networks
Important dates:
November 7, 2010: (Extended) Deadline for submissions.
November 28, 2010: Notification of acceptance.
December 19, 2010: Camera ready version.
March 8-11, 2011: Conference KiVS in Kiel
March 10+11, 2011: Workshop days, WMAN 2011 and others
Workshop Organisation (Points of contact):
Matthias Frank (University of Bonn, Germany) Frank Kargl (University of Twente, The Netherlands) Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich, Switzerland) (E-Mail: wman2011@cs.uni-bonn.de)
Program Committee:
* Matthias Frank, University of Bonn, Germany - Co-Chair * Frank Kargl, University of Twente, The Netherlands - Co-Chair * Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich, Switzerland - Co-Chair * Nils Aschenbruck, Universität Bonn * Marc Bechler, BMW Group * Torsten Braun, Universität Bern * Vasilios Darlagiannis, Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas * Stefan Fischer, Universität zu Lübeck * Horst Hellbrück, FH Lübeck * Matthias Hollick, TU Darmstadt * Andreas Kassler, Karlstad University * Tim Leinmüller, Denso Automotive Deutschland * Peter Martini, Universität Bonn * Martin Mauve, Universität Düsseldorf * Parag Mogre, TU Darmstadt * Björn Scheuermann, Universität Düsseldorf * Jochen Schiller, Freie Universität Berlin * Elmar Schoch, Volkswagen * Ralf Tönjes, FH Osnabrück * Kurt Tutschku, Universität Würzburg * Michael Weber, Universität Ulm
(PC member list as of June 23, 2010)