-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE WF-IoT 2022 Call for Papers(CFP) deadline 13 June 2022. Datum: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 15:01:16 -0600 (CST) Von: IEEE Internet of Things Initiative ieee-comsoc@deliver.ieee.org Antwort an: no-reply@deliver.ieee.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
IEEE Master email The 8th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things - WFIoT2022 3-18 November 2022 | Yokohama, Japan The 8th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things - WFIoT2022 https://connect.ieee.org/NzU2LUdQSC04OTkAAAGC0ajKTq-JkwTOtJkmM0_wfB9RWXYo3enZcCZp9hDv8im5qTYtodAWxrp72QmIPZgHBSa-T5o=
Dear Lars,
The 8th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WFIoT2022) seeks submissions and proposals for original technical papers and presentations that address the Internet of Things (IoT), its theoretical and technological building blocks, the applications that drive the growth and evolution of IoT, operational considerations, experimentation, experiences from deployments, and the impacts of IoT on consumers, the research community, the public sector, and commercial verticals.
The theme for WFIoT2022 is “Sustainability and the Internet of Things”, encouraging the submissions of content aimed at the growth of IoT across the world and the reduction of harmful and environmental impacts. The World Forum will be held as a hybrid event, accepting in-person and virtual presentations, and will be conducted 3-18 November 2022.
*Peer-Reviewed Technical Paper Submissions* Papers should address, but are not limited to, the following high-level topics:
* Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning * Technologies for IoT * Autonomy and Automation * Bioengineering and IoT * Communication, Networking and * Broadcast Technologies * Components, Circuits, Devices and * Electronic Systems * Computing and Processing * Computer Storage Systems * Cybersecurity, Security, Privacy, and Trust * Digital Twins in IoT Applications * Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics * General Topics of Interest to Engineers
* Impact on the Engineering Professions * Industrial IoT with SDGs * (Sustainable Development Goals) Internet Technologies for Environmental Engineering * Power, Energy, and Industrial Applications * Results from Experiments, Demonstrations and Trials, * and Deployment Experiences Robotics and Control Systems * Signal Processing and Analysis * Sustainable Transportation * Systems Engineering, Integration Methods, * and Operational Technologies Theoretical Foundations, Design Methods, and Architectural Consideration *Paper submissions for Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers are due 13 June 2022.* /All accepted Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers will be included in the proceedings (IEEE Xplore)./
/Detailed considerations and instructions for submissions can be found on the conference website at: https://wfiot2022.iot.ieee.org https://connect.ieee.org/NzU2LUdQSC04OTkAAAGC0ajKToozEOldg-HMEGIB3T2iuPll17YROeA4W5yVF0L3nigy9O3mSPRqc-xfczaFLEMXQaI=. They address the requirements for specific portions of the comprehensive IoT World Forum Program./
*Special Sessions, Workshops, and Industry Forums*
As part of the Technical Program, the World Forum is also seeking proposals for: (1) Special Session s consisting of peer-reviewed papers and interactive presentations focused on research topics of importance to IoT; (2) Workshops consisting of peer-reviewed papers, discussions, and summary results about advanced topics relevant to IoT. Workshop summary results will be edited and published as part of the WFIoT2022 Proceedings; and (3) Industry Forums consisting of presentations and panel discussions aimed at research topics important to industrial IoT issues.
/*Proposal submissions for Special Sessions, Workshops and Industry Forums are due 28 March 2022.*/
Once accepted, proposers for Special Session and Workshop will issue an individual call for papers for selected topics.
/*Paper submissions for Special Sessions and Workshops are due 13 June 2022.*/
*Masters/Ph.D Forum*
The IEEE WF-IoT 2022 technical program will provide an opportunity for M.Sc./Ph.D. students in the fields of Internet of Things to present their thesis/dissertation research (that were completed during the last year or will be completed in the near future), including work in progress within the topics of interest for WF-IoT 2022. The Forum provides a unique opportunity for students to present their M.Sc./Ph.D. work to the conference attendees, meet with their peers and experts in the field, and most importantly, receive feedback on their work. To encourage interaction among the M.Sc./Ph.D. students and researchers from academia, industry, and government, the forum will be organized as a virtual session (the detailed style of the virtual session will be announced as soon as possible). All the submitted M.Sc./Ph.D. Forum papers will be reviewed, and the accepted papers will be published in the WF-IoT 2022 proceedings and in IEEE Xplore.
/*Masters/Ph.D Forum paper submissions are due 13 June 2022.*/
IEEE World Forum Internet of Things (WF‐IoT 2022) solicits proposals for Tutorials that complement the regular program with clear and focused coverage in new and emerging topics within the scope of the conference. WF‐IoT Tutorials enable the researchers, developers and practitioners from academia and industry to learn about the state‐of‐the‐art research in IoT and related fields.
The Tutorials should be either two (2) hours – a single session, or four (4) hours – two sessions in length. Proposals should concisely describe the motivation, the content, and the structure of the tutorial
/*Proposal submissions for Tutorials are due 28 March 2022.*/
*Vertical and Topical Tracks*
The World Forum will include Vertical and Topical Tracks on designated topics. Leading experts will lead interactive presentations, focused on topics of importance to IoT practitioners addressing aspects of actual IoT implementations, adoptions, deployments, and operations. Most of the speakers are chosen by invitations by the Vertical and Topical Track Chairs. We also encourage suggestions for topics and speakers which align with the Vertical and Topical Tracks.
/*Proposal submissions for Vertical and Topical Track speakers (including self-nominations) are due 28 March 2022.*/
Invited speakers and participants in the Vertical and Topical Tracks may elect to submit papers, which will be peer-reviewed and if accepted will be included in the proceedings (IEEE Xplore).
/*Peer-reviewed paper submissions accompanying Vertical and Topical Track presentations are due 13 June 2022.*/
*Additional Parts of the of WFIoT2022 Program*
WFIoT2022 will also feature the following:
* Women in Engineering (WIE) Forum * Young and Professionals (YP) Forum * Student Paper Contest * Entrepreneurial Forum
/*Proposals for speakers and content for the WIE, YP and Entrepreneurial Forums are due 28 March 2022.*/
IEEE is closely monitoring developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of our members and conference participants is our first priority. For conference updates, please visit WF-IoT 2022 https://connect.ieee.org/NzU2LUdQSC04OTkAAAGC0ajKTuo4KBUqSaUjFL-VXEanKXBVEtAbNzbPb4W4L7dMA5uquXFLbJbAjv2hAsQ7GvuO1Jg=website regularly.
If you have an IEEE Account, manage your IEEE communications preferences here https://connect.ieee.org/NzU2LUdQSC04OTkAAAGC0ajKTmcsuzCm95iil-jW3TNehktgOmZylVyGUB69nVoWF8mNBQ3HM_InjEIa3qrJzDc-nqU=. Users without an IEEE Account can access the Privacy Portal https://connect.ieee.org/NzU2LUdQSC04OTkAAAGC0ajKTvYipimYAXlAZiyywo5T57R4fXxp5ehemprKcUZgQanvHU4gzM2MdHsuPwj1Qe7dReI= to view selected preferences and policies.
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