IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference
6 9 May 2012 Yokohama, Japan
Submissions by 30 September 2011
In May 2012, IEEE VTC Spring will be held in Yokohama, Japan.
VTC is the premier semi-annual flagship conference of the IEEE
Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) that gathers researchers,
industry professionals and academics dedicated to innovation
across the broad field of wireless technologies. You are invited to
submit papers in any areas of wireless communications, networks
and applications. Potential topics are solicited in, but not limited to
the following categories:
Ad hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks
Antenna and Propagation
Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Sensing
Cooperative Communications, Distributed MIMOs and Relaying
Green Networks
Multiple Antenna Systems and
Space-Time-Frequency Processing
Positioning, Mobile Applications and Services
Transmission Technologies
Vehicular Electronics and Telematics
Wireless Access
Wireless Networks
Prospective authors are encouraged
to submit a 5-page full paper (or 2-page
extended abstract including results)
through the conference web site by
30 September 2011.
For more information, visit
General Co-Chairs:
Prof. Takeshi Hattori (Sophia University, Japan)
Prof. Susumu Yoshida (Kyoto University, Japan)
Prof. Fumiyuki Adachi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Technical Program Chair:
Prof. Seiichi Sampei (Osaka University, Japan)
Technical Program Vice Chair:
Prof. Mamoru Sawahashi (Tokyo City University, Japan)
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