-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [mycolleagues] [ieee-cnom] IFIP/IEEE IM 2007 - CFP Announcement! (fwd) Datum: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 23:55:00 -0300 (BRT) Von: Carlos Becker Westphall westphal@inf.ufsc.br Antwort an: mycolleagues@inf.ufsc.br An: mycolleagues@inf.ufsc.br
10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management 21-25 May 2007 University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Munich, Germany www.ieee-im.org
Call for Papers, Panels, Tutorials, Workshops
10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2007): The Tenth IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Management (IM 2007) will be held 21-25 May 2007 in Munich, Germany. IM 2007 will present the latest technical advances in the area of management, operations and control of networks, networking services, networked applications, and distributed systems. Held in odd-numbered years since 1989 and taking turns with its sibling conference NOMS, IM 2007 will build on the successes of its predecessors and serve as the primary forum for exchange among the research, standards, vendor and user communities in the field of integrated management. The symposium is sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 6.6 on Management of Networks and Distributed Systems, and by the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM).
Integrated management of networked systems is facing new challenges, stemming from a combination of rapidly evolving technologies and an increased scrutiny from corporate customers. At the same time, as IT and network services become more and more ubiquitous, their reliability and performance become more critical for all kinds of enterprises. The resulting demands for improving and verifying service quality must be met in an environment of increasingly distributed and decentralized service provisioning, accelerated service lifecycles, and unprecedented security challenges. Today's IT management issues involve many diverse problems in controlling heterogeneous IT infrastructures, often across organizational boundaries. However, new and difficult challenges are emerging while aligning technical and organizational IT management to business requirements, thus calling for integrating management tools and measures "from bits to business value".
IM 2007 will be organized into technical and application sessions, panels, tutorials and workshops. In addition, it will feature an industrial experience track to share practical lessons learned by the user and vendor communities, posters, birds-of-a-feather sessions, and vendor exhibits. In the tradition of previous events, we strive to make the IM 2007 Symposium the highest quality professional event of the year. Paper submissions will undergo a stringent review process implemented by the Technical Program Committee, which includes the most respected experts in the field. We encourage papers that break new ground or present insightful results based on experience with integrated management of networks, systems, applications and services.
TOPICS OF INTEREST: Topics of interest to IM 2007 include, but are not limited to, the following:
Management Paradigms, Theories and Models Management and Virtual Environments Management Standards and Enabling Technologies Operation and Management Functions Service Engineering and Operational Challenges Management of Emerging Networks and Services Organizational Aspects of IT Service Management Autonomic Computing and Self-Management
For details, visit http://www.ieee-im.org/2007/.
Abstract Registration: August 24, 2006 midnight (GMT) Submission: September 1, 2006 midnight (GMT) Notification of Acceptance: December 1, 2006 Camera ready Copy: February 15, 2007
NOTE: No extensions will be granted for paper submissions. Please plan accordingly _______________________________________________ CNOM mailing list CNOM@orion.lrg.ufsc.br http://orion.lrg.ufsc.br/mailman/listinfo/cnom _______________________________________________ mycolleagues mailing list mycolleagues@inf.ufsc.br http://listas.inf.ufsc.br/mailman/listinfo/mycolleagues