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Von: Angelos Lazaris Datum: 28. November 2011 09:34:44 MEZ An: Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: The 1st IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Video Everywhere (ViDEv 2012)
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies)
----------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ----------------- The 1st IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Video Everywhere (ViDEv 2012) June 25, 2012 - San Francisco, California, USA In conjunction with IEEE WoWMoM 2012
This highly selective workshop is devoted to covering all aspects of current work on mobile video and to providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their most recent contributions in the field. Previously unpublished, original papers of very high quality that are not currently under review by another conference or journal are solicited on (but not limited to) the following topics on interest: • Mobile video streaming • Mobile video services and applications (gaming, surveillance, sensing) • Social networking via mobile video • Cloud-based video delivery • Energy saving for wireless video transmission • QoS issues and Performance Evaluation of video traffic transmission over wireless networks • Video on demand • Reducing video transport cost over mobile networks • Video Traffic Modeling • Video QoE metrics and optimization • Protocols and algorithms maximizing bandwidth utilization for mobile video traffic transmission • Handoff algorithms for video users’ mobility support • Wireless video coding • Pricing of mobile video services • Peer-to-peer mobile video • Telemedicine Video Traffic Analysis • Video in hybrid networks, e.g., WLAN-to-cellular, Mobile hotspot to cellular
IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: February 5, 2012 Acceptance notification: April 8, 2012 Camera-ready deadline: TBA
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES All submissions must be full papers in PDF format and uploaded on EDAS ( Papers should contain original material and not be previously published, or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE in the combined WoWMoM 2012 proceedings, hence manuscripts must be formatted in accordance with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines. Submission must be limited to 6 pages, single spacing, double column, and must STRICTLY adhere to the template format (more details can be found in the workshop’s webpage). The font size used in the text of your submission must not be smaller than 10 points.
Extended versions of workshop papers of particular merit will be considered for possible fast track publication in the Computer Communications Journal (Elsevier).
WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS Terence D. Todd, McMaster University, Canada Polychronis Koutsakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece _______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication.