-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE EnergyCon2010 Datum: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 13:00:00 -0500 Von: conference-services@ieee.org Antwort an: rami.mushcab@ieee.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Referenzen: A12600598535066271326.wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
To: Members of the IEEE Region 8 ===
energycon_cfp_header.jpg http://www.ieee-energycon.org/
The IEEE ENERGYCON2010 is sponsored by the IEEE Region 8 http://www.ieee.org/r8 and Saudi Arabia Section http://www.ieee.org/saudia and will feature 4 major technical symposia, industry track, standards workshop, tutorials, exhibition, and top keynote speakers. We invite submission of tutorial proposals to be presented 18 December 2010 and full technical papers to be presented 19-21 December 2010.
* Topic areas included but are not limited to:*
*1. *
Reliable Energy Supply
*3. *
Renewable & Clean Energy
Information technologies & applications related to:
Exploration, producing, refining & distribution
Demand Management
Intelligent fields
Process & control systems optimization
Pipelines & automation technologies
Comms & Computing systems and applications
Transportation efficiency
Energy standards & safety
Solar, wind & Ocean power
Hydropower & Geothermal
Fuel cells & Bio-energy
Hydrogen infrastructure
Energy storage
Reduced carbon generation
Economics of renewable energy
Solutions for developing countries
*2. *
Smart Grid & Power Delivery
*4. *
Efficient Energy Consumption
Smart grid
Grid control with high penetration of renewables
Real-time-pricing and impact on grid operation
Microgrids & grid solutions for developing countries
Power systems management
Lighting technologies & smart homes
Energy optimization
Energy efficiency in commercial and consumer sectors
Energy conservation technologies
Real-time pricing of electricity
Green electrons - Cogeneration
Impact of carbon tax
Solutions for developing countries
Impacts on environment & policies
*5. *
Industry Track
Technical and best practices presentations from industry that address applications and solutions related to sustainable energy. Only abstracts and PowerPoint presentations are required for submission.
* TUTORIALS * Tutorials and special sessions proposals for half-day and full-day presentations on conference topics are due by May 15, 2010. All tutorials will be presented on December 19^th , 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Downloads* Conference “Call for Paper” brochure… http://ieee-energycon.org/images/dldocs/cfp_energycon_2010_v5.pdf
*_Queries & Sponsorship _* Energy Conference Secretariat PO Box 2749, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia Phone: +966 38729962 / 38728716 Fax: +966 38724444 Ext. 809962 or 141307 Email: mailto:%20%3Cscript%20language=%27JavaScript%27%20type=%27text/javascript%27%3E%20%3C%21--%20var%20prefix%20=%20%27ma%27%20+%20%27il%27%20+%20%27to%27;%20var%20path%20=%20%27hr%27%20+%20%27ef%27%20+%20%27=%27;%20var%20addy54722%20=%20%27info%27%20+%20%27@%27;%20addy54722%20=%20addy54722%20+%20%27ieee-energycon%27%20+%20%27.%27%20+%20%27org%27;%20document.write%28%20%27%3Ca%20%27%20+%20path%20+%20%27%5C%27%27%20+%20prefix%20+%20%27:%27%20+%20addy54722%20+%20%27%5C%27%3E%27%20%29;%20document.write%28%20addy54722%20%29;%20document.write%28%20%27%3C%5C/a%3E%27%20%29;%20//--%3E%5Cn%20%3C/script%3E%3Cscript%20language=%27JavaScript%27%20type=%27text/javascript%27%3E%20%3C%21--%20document.write%28%20%27%3Cspan%20style=%5C%27display:%20none;%5C%27%3E%27%20%29;%20//--%3E%20%3C/script%3EThis%20e-mail%20address%20is%20being%20protected%20from%20spam%20bots,%20you%20need%20JavaScript%20enabled%20to%20view%20it%20%3Cscript%20language=%27JavaScript%27%20type=%27text/javas! cript%27%3E%20%3C%21--%20document.write%28%20%27%3C/%27%20%29;%20document.write%28%20%27span%3E%27%20%29;%20//--%3E%20%3C/script%3Einfo@ieee-energycon.org mailto:info@ieee-energycon.org This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
*Paper Submission is now ONLINE.* If you want to submit your paper kindly click here http://www.ieee-energycon.org/.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be available during the conference, and in IEEE Xplore digital library. The best papers will be recommended for publication in the IEEE transactions on Industry Applications or Industry Applications Magazine.
*Best Paper Award:* Awards will be given to the best papers presented from industry, academia and students.
www.ieee-energycon.org http://www.ieee-energycon.org/ energycon_footer.jpg
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