-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Mitglieder-info] CFP: WASA-NGI 2011 (co-located with KiVS 2011) Datum: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 13:18:46 +0200 Von: Oliver Waldhorst waldhorst@kit.edu Organisation: KIT An: KuVS Mitglieder mitglieder-info@kuvs.de
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies)
CALL FOR PAPERS: WASA-NGI 2011 - Workshop on Architectures, Services and Applications for the Next Generation Internet: Global Sensing
Collocated with KiVS 2011 in Kiel, Germany March 11th, 2011 http://ipvs.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/vs/wasa-ngi11/
The focus of WASA-NGI 2011 is on the impact of global sensing on architectures, services, and applications for the Next Generation Internet. In particular, geosensor networks and public sensing have evolved as novel and important research fields. They offer applications easy and efficient access to sensor data at the scale of billions of sensing devices. This data is of high relevance to a wide spectrum of applications, for instance in the field of environmental monitoring, traffic control, and smart energy grids.
It is of high importance that communication architectures and services for enabling such systems are highly scalable and able to cope with massive amounts of sensor data in order to meet the requirements of emerging applications. These requirements range from hard performance and quality demands to ensuring security and privacy for the provided data. They are particularly difficult to meet in the face of the heterogeneity of sensors, sensor networks, and communication architectures. Coping with these challenges requires an integrated research effort involving researchers from a wide spectrum of different research fields.
This workshop aims at bringing researchers and practitioners together that are working in areas such as sensor networks, architectures and services for the Future Internet, P2P overlays, complex event and stream processing, pervasive computing, and novel communication paradigms like opportunistic and delay tolerant networking. You are invited to present your current work in the area of global sensing, to discuss and identify main challenges, and to foster new cooperation in the field.
The workshop is seeking contributions related but not limited to the following list of topics in the domain of architectures, applications, and services for global sensing:
- Sensor networks - Public Sensing - Geosensor networks - Middleware for global sensing - Services and service provisioning for global sensing - Communication architectures for global sensing - Delay tolerant and opportunistic networking for global sensing - Complex event and stream processing - P2P overlays for global sensing - Quality for global sensing - Security aspects in global sensing
Papers should be submitted in PDF format via the workshop page. Contributions may present i) novel and possibly preliminary research results (10 pages), ii) position papers describing major challenges (10 pages), iii) new trends from the industry (2 pages).
Each submission will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. Papers are selected according to their originality, quality, and relevance to the workshop topics. Accepted papers will appear in the KIVS Workshop proceedings. For accepted papers, at least one author must register with the workshop and give a presentation at the workshop. Submissions must follow the KiVS formatting guidelines and must not exceed the given page limits.
Submission deadline: 31/10/2010 Author notification: 28/11/2010 Camera-ready version: 19/12/2010
Co-Chairs Klaus Herrmann (Universität Stuttgart) Boris Koldehofe (Universität Stuttgart) Oliver Waldhorst (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Program Committee Martin Bauer (NEC Europe Ltd.) Alejandro Buchmann (TU Darmstadt) Peter Domschitz (Alcatel Lucent) Stefan Fischer (Universität Lübeck) Hannes Frey (Uni Paderborn) Thomas Fuhrmann (TU München) Kalman Graffi (TU Darmstadt) Hans-Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto) Andreas Lachenmann (Microsoft Research) Peter Langendörfer (IHP GmbH) Paul Lukowicz (Universität Passau) Pedro Marron (Universität Duisburg Essen) Martin Mauve (Universität Düsseldorf) Arjan Peddemors (GroupTelematica Institute / Novay Enschede) Thomas Plagemann (Universität Oslo) Björn Scheuermann (Universität Düsseldorf) Jochen Schiller (FU Berlin) Hedda Schmidtke (TU Braunschweig) Nenad Stojanovic (FZI Karlsruhe) Stefan Weber (Trinity College, Dublin) Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen) Christian Winkler (Siemens AG) Eiko Yoneki (Cambridge University, UK) _______________________________________________ Mitglieder-info mailing list Mitglieder-info@kuvs.de http://mail-i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/mailman/listinfo/mitglieder-info