-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP - The 12th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (ACM WiNTECH 2018) Datum: Mon, 28 May 2018 09:45:34 +0200 Von: Josep Xavier Salvat josep.xavier.salvat@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: Josep Xavier Salvat josep.xavier.salvat@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
The 12th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization
(ACM WiNTECH 2018)
October 29, 2018 / New Delhi, India
ACM WiNTECH workshop is purposely tailored to disseminate research activities related to novel methods and techniques to manage experimental testbeds, innovative wireless communication applications and plat-forms. WiNTECH, which will celebrate its 12th edition this year, stands out as one of the most long-lasting workshops co-located with ACM MobiCom. WiNTECH offers a consolidated experience to academics and industrial practitioners that seek to bridge the gap between fundamental models/algorithms and practical communication systems and experimental platforms. The workshop will serve as a forum for sharing experiences and results with real testbeds, experimental evaluation, prototyping and empirical characterization of wireless technologies.
We are seeking original, previously unpublished papers empirically addressing key issues and challenges in wireless networking. All submissions will be judged by their technical merit and relevance to the workshop, based on a thorough review process by the Technical Program Committee.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Designing and evaluation of wireless testbeds and prototyping platforms for: ** mmWave and Terahertz communications and networking ** Long-Range/Low-Power Wide-Area Wireless Networking ** Mobile/Wireless Research & Edge / Cloud Computing ** Mobile Data Science & Analysis ** Mobile Web ** Communications for Embedded and Energy-Harvesting Systems ** Sensing with Radio, Light, Sound, and Vibration ** Emerging PHY implemented on Software defined radio (SDR) ** IoT and wearable computing ** Visible Light Communications (VLC) ** UAV, multi-robot and vehicular networks ** Underwater/underground networks ** Software Defined Networking (SDN) for wireless networks ** Cellular networks (LTE, 5G) ** Innovative protocols on sensor nodes ** Innovative protocols on Wi-Fi nodes ** Other wireless networks, mobile computing, cyber-physical systems * Experiences/lessons from recent testbed deployments * Techniques for improving reproducibility of real-world testing * Testbed control and management issues * Evaluation of large-scale and heterogeneous wireless networks * Experimental evaluation of performance/energy consumption of applications and protocols, including the impact of cross-layer interactions * Measurement and evaluation on large-scale smartphone based deployments\ * Real-world evaluation of cellular networks * Studies on real-world white-space networks, interference and spectrum usage measurements * Coexistence in unlicensed bands, including LTE/WiFi coexistence * Measurement and characterization (modeling) of real-world aspects of wireless networks such as usage patterns, traffic, mobility and channel characteristics * Security and privacy mechanisms for mobile and wireless networks
Papers should contain original material and not be previously published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Submission instructions can be found on the workshop website ( https://sigmobile.org/mobicom/2018/workshops/wintech/index.html). Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a single PDF file with all font embedded, using the ACM conference proceedings format (use the same PDF formatting guidelines (https://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2018/cfp.php) as the main conference). Paper length is limited to eight (8) pages (in two-column, 10-point format) including references, figures and everything. Papers must include the author name and affiliation for single-blind peer reviewing by the program committee. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM WiNTECH proceedings and will be archived in the ACM Library. All papers will be considered for the *Best Paper Award* and will be fast-tracked to Elsevier Computer Communications ( https://www.journals.elsevier.com/computer-communications/) (COMCOM) journal.
Paper Registration: June 15, 2018, 23:59PM EDT (optional) Paper Submission: June 22, 2018, 23:59PM EDT Paper Acceptance Notification: July 21, 2018 Paper Camera Ready: July 29, 2018
Given WiNTECH's experimental nature, we *highly* encourage the submission of demo proposal.
Poster/Demo Submission: July 24, 2018, 23:59PM EDT Poster/Demo Acceptance Notification: Aug 7, 2018 Poster/Demo Camera Ready: Aug 15, 2018
Steering Committee
* Chunyi Peng, Purdue University * Sung-Ju Lee, KAIST * Ilenia Tinnirello, University degli Studi di Palermo * Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Roma Tor Vergata * Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, University at Buffalo, SUNY * Paul Patras, University of Edinburgh
Workshop Chairs
* Swarun Kumar, Carnegie Mellon University * Andres Garcia-Saavedra, NEC Laboratories Europe
Publicity Chair
* Josep Xavier Salvat, NEC Laboratories Europe
Technical Program Committee
* Allyson Sim, University of Darmstadt * Arash Asadi, University of Darmstadt * Bozidar Radunovic, Microsoft Research * Carlos Donato, Universiteit Antwerpen * Chunyi Peng, Ohio State University * Cristina Cano, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya * David Malone, Maynooth University * Dinesh Bharadia, University of California, San Diego * Domenico Giustiniano, IMDEA Networks, Madrid * Francesco Gringoli, University of Brescia * Haitham Hassanieh, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign * Hany Assasa, IMDEA Networks, Madrid * Ilenia Tinnirello, University of Palermo * Iñaki Ucar, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid * Jie Xiong, University of Massachusetts Amherst * Luis Diez, Universidad de Cantabria * Marco Fiore, CNR IEIIT * Marco Gramaglia, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid * Pengyu Zhang, Stanford * Szymon Szott, AGH University * Xenofon Foukas, University of Edinburgh * Xinyu Zhang, UCSD
Josep Xavier Salvat Research Associate, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH Kurfürsten-Anlage 36, 69115 Heidelberg http://www.neclab.eu
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/