-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Robson De Grande rdgrande@SITE.UOTTAWA.CA Gesendet: 6. Mai 2018 18:32:40 MESZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: IEEE DS-RT 2018 (October 15-17, 2018 - Madrid, Spain)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call for Papers - DS-RT 2018
22nd IEEE/ACM* International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications http://ds-rt.com/ October 15-17, 2018 - Madrid, Spain
*IEEE/ACM Pending Upon Approval ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: Submission deadline: May 20th, 2018
*** The Symposium ***
The 2018 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2018) promises to be a grand affair and will take place in Madrid, Spain.
DS-RT 2018 serves as a platform for simulationists from academia, industry and research labs for presenting recent research results in Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications. DS-RT 2018 targets the growing overlap between large distributed simulations and real-time applications, such as collaborative virtual environments, pervasive and ubiquitous application scenarios, motor-, controller-, sensor- and actuator systems.
The conference features prominent invited speakers as well as papers by top researchers in the field. DS-RT 2018 will include contributed technical papers, invited papers, and panel discussions. The proceedings will be published by IEEE-CS press.
*** Call for Papers ***
DS-RT provides an international forum for the discussion and presentation of original ideas, recent results and achievements by researchers, research students, and systems developers on issues and challenges related to distributed simulation and real-time applications.
Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and practical results of significance. Demonstration of new tools/applications is enlivened.
The scope of the symposium includes, but is not limited to:
Paradigms, Methodology, Algorithms and Software Architectures for Large Scale Distributed and Real-Time Simulations (e.g. Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Multi-Agent Based Distributed Simulation, HLA/RTI, Web, Grid and cloud-based Simulation, hardware-software co-design for extreme-scale simulations)
Paradigms, Modelling, Architecture and Environments for Large Scale Real-time Systems and Concurrent Systems with hard and soft Real-Time Constraints
Non-functional Properties of Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Systems (e.g. Dependability, Availability, Reliability, Maintainability, Safety, Security, Trustworthiness, QoS)
Theoretical Foundations of Large-Scale Real-Time and Simulation Models (e.g. Event Systems, Causality, Space-Time Models, Notions of Time, Discrete and Continuous Systems, Simulator Coordination)
Advances in Modelling and Simulation Studies and Technologies (Reuse of Models, New Modelling Languages, Agent-based M&S, Spatial M&S, Cognitive Modelling, Neural Network Models, Artificial Intelligence in Simulation, Discrete Events, Continuous Simulation, Service-oriented Computing and Simulation, Web-based Modelling and Simulation, Simulation of Multimedia Applications and Systems, etc.)
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Architectures and Applications that involve Simulations and/or adhere to Real-Time Constraints
Languages and Tools, Development Environments, Data Interfaces, Network Protocols and Model Repositories that address Very Large Simulations
Data Management and Distribution Issues, Interest Management, Semantic Modelling, Multi-resolution Modelling, Dead-Reckoning Mechanisms
Simulation Studies at Large and Very Large Scale (e.g. Industrial, Commercial, Ecological and Environmental, Societal, Power and Energy)
Environmental and Emerging Simulation Challenges (e.g. Growth of Human Population, Climate Change, CO2, Health Care, Ecosystems, Sustainable Development, Water and Energy Supply, Human Mobility, Traffic Modelling, World Stock Markets, Food Supply Chains, Megacities, Smart Cities, Smart Networks, Disaster Planning, etc.)
Performance and Validation of Large-Scale and Distributed Simulations (e.g., benchmarking and analytical results, empirical studies DIS, HLA/RTI studies)
Visual Interactive Simulation Environments (e.g., Generic Animation, Visual Interactive Modelling, Interactive Computer Based Training and Learning, Scientific Visualization, High-End Computer Graphics)
Simulation-based Virtual Environments and Mixed Reality Systems (e.g. Interactive Virtual Reality, Human Communication through Immersive Environments)
Collaborative Virtual and Augmented Reality, Shared Interaction Spaces, Telepresence Systems and Shared Workspaces, 3D Video and Acoustic Reconstruction, Shared Object Manipulation
Design Issues, Interaction Designs, Human Computer Interaction Issues raised by Large Scale DS-RT Systems
Serious Gaming and Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) applications, architectures and scalability issues
Technologies for Living Labs (e.g. Mirror World Simulation, Interoperability, Large Scale Multi-Sensor Networks, Global Wireless Communication, Multi-Stakeholder Understanding and Innovation)
Innovative Styles of Interactions with Large Scale DS-RT Systems (e.g. Implicit, Situative and Attentive Interaction, Tangible Interaction, Embedded Interaction, etc.)
Media Convergence (e.g. New Technologies, Media Theory, Real-Time considerations of Multi-Modality, etc.)
*** Important Dates ***
Paper Submission Deadline: May 20th, 2018 Notification of Acceptance: July 1st, 2018 Camera Ready version due: July 31st, 2018 Symposium presentation: October 15-17, 2018
*** Submission ***
High-quality original papers are solicited. Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance to the conference.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by IEEE-CS press. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to the Journal of Simulation.
General information regarding submission can be found at http://ds-rt.com/2018/.
Questions from authors may be directed to the Program Co-Chairs.
General Chair José Luis Risco Martín, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Program Co-Chairs Eva Besada, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain Floriano De Rango, University of Calabria, Italy
Posters Chair Peppino Fazio, University of Calabria, Italy
Demo Chair Amilcare F. Santamaria, University of Calabria, Italy
Special Sessions Chair Robson De Grande, Brock University, Canada
Publicity Chair Lucas Potter, Old Dominion University, VA, USA
Finance Chair Guillermo Botella, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/