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+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CALL FOR PAPERS | | *3rd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on* | | *Modelling Autonomic Communications Environments* | | www.manweek.org/ | | | | Held as part of Manweek 2008 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | _September 22-26, Samos Island, Greece_ | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Modeling Autonomic | | Communication Environments (MACE 2008) will be held September 25 | | -26, 2008 on Samos Island, Greece. The workshop is sponsored by | | the IEEE Communications Society, Technical Committee on Network | | Operations and Management (CNOM) and the Autonomic Communications | | Forum (ACF). | | | | As in the last 2 years, MACE will be co-located with five other events | | in order to strengthen the links between our respective communities. | | These co-located conferences are the 19th International Workshop on | | Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2008), 11th | | International Conference on Management of Multimedia and Mobile | | Networks and Services (MMNS 2008), the 8th Workshop on IP Operations | | and Management (IPOM 2008), the 5th International Workshop on Next | | Generation Networking Middleware (NGNM 2008) and the 4th International | | Workshop on End-to-End Virtualization and Grid Management (EVGM 2008). | | | | The essence of autonomic management is the ability for a system to | | self-govern its behavior within the constraints of the business goals | | that the system as a whole seeks to achieve. The MACE workshop will | | discuss the use of information modeling to capture knowledge relating | | to network capabilities, environmental constraints and business | | goals/policies, together with ontological engineering to provide | | inferencing capabilities. This foundation is supplemented by reasoning | | and learning mechanisms to enhance and evolve this knowledge. Policy | | -based network management systems incorporating translation/code | | generation will use this knowledge to automatically configure network | | elements in response to changing business goals and/or environmental | | context. This realizes an autonomic control loop, in which the system | | senses changes in itself and its environment, analyses these data to | | ensure that business goals and objectives are being met; expedites | | changes should these goals and objectives be threatened, and observes | | the result to ensure that closed-loop operation is maintained. | | | | Based on the previous years, this year's MACE will provide technical | | sessions, panel discussions and a key note address. We invite | | researchers, engineers and developers from academia and industry to | | submit their early stage ideas, ongoing work and results. All papers in | | the areas of modeling and management for autonomic communications will | | be considered. Submissions in the main topics of interest below are | | especially encouraged. | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | |Steering Committee |TOPICS of INTEREST | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | |John Strassner, Motorola |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Labs, USA |**Autonomic Network Management** | | |- Self-* capabilities, such as self- | |Willie Donnelly, WIT, | configuration, ~optimization and ~healing | |Ireland |- Configuration and monitoring | | |- Fault detection and automatic resolution | |Brendan Jennings, WIT, |- Correlation between network conditions (i.e.| |Ireland | alarms) and SLA agreements | | |- Case studies for autonomic network | | | management | | |- Decentralization and cooperation of | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| autonomic managers | |Chairs | | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Spyros Denazis, |**Modeling&Knowledge Engineering for Managing | |University of Patras, | Autonomic Communication Environments** | |Greece | | | |- Advances in Modeling and Meta-Modeling | |Mark Burgess |- Model-, Language- and Domain driven | |University College Oslo, | Development | |Norway |- Ontologies, semantic models, and model | | | transformations for ACE's | |Sven van der Meer |- Modeling techniques integrating the expanded| |WIT, Waterford, Ireland | society and Autonomic Systems | | |- Methodologies (incl. Lifecycle, Behavior, | | | Design by Contract) for Autonomic Systems | | |- Mathematical Models of Autonomic Systems, | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Networks and Components | |Technical Programme |- Biologically-inspired Techniques and | |Committee | Algorithms for Autonomic Design & Operation | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Nazim Agoulmine |**Engineering & Assessment towards a | |Université d'Evry, France | 'science of design'** | | | | |Nancy Alonistioti |- A Taxonomy of Autonomic Engineering and | |University of Athens, | Assessment Approaches | |Greece |- Engineering of evolution, direction and | | | emergent behavior (efficient governance and | |Demissie Aredo | mastered emergence) for autonomic systems | |University College Oslo, |- Engineering principles and methodology for | |Norway | the cooperation of autonomic systems | | |- Engineering of service aggregation and | |Alessandro Bassi | diversification for autonomic systems | |Hitachi Sophia Antipolis |- Stability against changes in the environment| |Lab, France | (i.e. self-defense) for autonomic systems | | |- Prototypes, implementations, simulations and| |Robin Braun | testbeds of Autonomic Systems | |University of Technology, | | |Australia |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | |**Interoperability and Governing Mechanisms | |Monique Calisti | for Autonomic Systems** | |Whitestein Technologies, | | |Switzerland |- Applying Policy-based Management to | | | Autonomic Systems | |Greg Cox |- Applying Promise Theory to Autonomic Systems| |Motorola Labs, USA |- Enhancing existing models (i.e., DEN-ng) to | | | include different types of policy rules and | |Filip De Turck | representations (e.g., goal and utility | |Univ. of Ghent, Belgium | function policies) for autonomic systems | | |- Models that facilitate clear separation of | |Joel Fleck, HP, USA | functionality & address distribution issues | | |- Policy rule conflict detection & resolution | |Yacine Ghamri-Doudane |- Security (including admission control) | |IIE, France | policy models | | |- Integrating Contracts with Policy Management| |Tao Gu, I2R, Singapore | and Promise Theory | | | | |Salim Hariri |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Univ. of Arizona, USA |**Domain-specific Models for Autonomic | | | Communications** | |Brendan Jennings | | |WIT, Ireland |- Models for Autonomic,Policy-based Management| | |- Models for Autonomic Systems and Components | |George Karetsos | Using Promise Theory | |Technological Research |- Models for negotiating service, network, | |Center of Thessaly, Greece| component and/or device level functionality| | |- Network specific models, i.e., for IMS, | |Ahmed Karmouch | IPTV, IP QoS and Routing, that operate or | |Univ. Ottawa, Canada | exhibit autonomic behavior | | |- Traffic Management | |Jeff Kephart |- Autonomic Wireless Access and Seamless | |IBM, USA | Mobility | | |- Machine Learning, Reasoning, and Inference | |Dave Lewis, TCD, Ireland | Techniques applied to autonomic systems | | |- Algorithms and Processes for Network | |Kinji Mori | Robustness and Performance | |TiTech, Japan | | | | | |Maurice Mulvenna |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |Ulster University, UK |**Autonomic Communication Mechanisms for | | | Service Composability** | |Tadashi Nakano | | |University of California, |- Requirements for autonomic service | |Irvine, USA | composition | | |- Models for autonomic service and/or resource| |José Neuman de Souza | composition | |Federal University of |- Policies for service composition | |Caera, Brazil |- Service Ontologies, Semantics and Syntax to | | | govern composition | |Giorgio Nunzi |- Information models for autonomic composable | |NEC Europe, Germany | service and resource building blocks | | |- Service feature interaction and | |Mícheál Ó Foghlú | orchestration mechanisms | |WIT, Ireland |· Service composition concepts for Network, | | | Service and Application Layers | |Declan O'Sullivan | | |TCD, Ireland | | | |==============================================| |Maria Papadopouli | | |University of Crete, |PAPER SUBMISSION | |Greece |Paper submissions must present original,| | |unpublished research or experiences. Late| |Manish Parashar |-breaking advances and work-in-progress| |Rutgers, USA |reports from ongoing research are also| | |encouraged to be submitted. Papers that are| |Omer Rana |published or concurrently submitted to another| |Univ. of Cardiff, UK |journal, conference, or book MUST NOT be| | |submitted. All papers should be written in| |Dave Raymer |English, accompanied by a 75 to 200 word| |Motorola, USA |abstract that clearly outlines the scope and| | |contributions of the paper and a list of key| |Fabio Ricciato |words. | |Univ. of Salento, Italy | | | | | |Mikhail Smirnov |==============================================| |Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany | | | |PROCEEDINGS | |Radu State |The MACE 2008 proceedings will be published in| |INRIA-LORIA, France |Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer| | |Science (LNCS) series. For more information| |Ioannis Stavrakakis |regarding manuscript format please visit the| |University of Athens, |author's instruction links at LNCS Springer.| |Greece |Awards will be presented to the best paper and| | |to the best student paper at the conference.| |Roy Sterritt |Furthermore, we plan to invite best papers of| |Univ. of Ulster, UK |MACE 2008 to be submitted as extended versions| | |to the IEEE Transactions on Network and| |John Strassner |Service Management - TNSM]. | |Motorola, USA | | | | | |Tatsuya Suda |==============================================| |Univ. of California, | | |Irvine, USA |IMPORTANT DEADLINES | | |++ Submission: April 28th | |P. N. Suganthan |++ Notification: June 13th | |Nanyang Technological |++ Camera Ready: June 30th | |University, Singapore |++ Workshop: September 25-26 | | | | |Toshiaki Suzuki | | |Hitachi Ltd, Japan |==============================================| | | | |Petros Trantafillou |VENUE | |University of Patras, |The conference will take place at the Doryssa| |Greece |Bay Resort (www.doryssa-bay.gr) on the Greek| | |island of Samos. Samos is situated in the| |James Won-Ki Hong |Eastern part of the Aegean Sea, at a short| |POSTECH, Korea |distance from the coast of Asia Minor. There| | |are seven flights per day between Samos and| |Mazin Yousif |Athens operated by Olympic Airlines and| |Intel, USA |Aegean. | | | | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | | +--------------------------+----------------------------------------------+
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