-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: First International Workshop on Convergence of HeterogeneousWireless Networks (ConWiN 2005) Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 19:38:15 -0500 (EST) From: Linda Jiang Xie jxie1@uncc.edu To: multicomm@comsoc.org
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********************************************************************** ******** ConWiN 2005 ******** ****** ****** **** First International Workshop on **** ** Convergence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks ** * * * July 10, 2005 in Budapest, Hungary * * in Conjunction with WICON 2005 * * * * http://www.ConWiN.org * * * * CALL FOR PAPERS * **********************************************************************
Scope of ConWiN 2005: =====================
The advances in the wireless communication technologies have enabled the realization of wide range of heterogeneous wireless networks from wireless local area networks (WLANs), several generations (2G/3G) of wireless cellular networks to mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) and wireless sensor networks (WSN). This technological evolution is further inspiring researchers to envision the next generation wireless networking architectures and even the space Internet.
Next Generation Wireless Internet (NGWI) will be the convergence of these heterogeneous wireless networks and the next generation Internet to provide mobile users with a wide range of high resource demanding services such as high speed reliable data and real-time multimedia delivery. While the unique characteristics of each of these wireless networks pose diverse set of challenges, their integration severely expands the set of open research problems for seamless, efficient, and reliable communication. Therefore, there exists an urgent need for a significant research effort to focus on solving these new challenges posed by the integration and the convergence of these wireless heterogeneous networks.
The objective of ConWiN 2005 is to provide a research platform where researchers bring their contributions to light by presenting their technical papers on the issues regarding the integration and the convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks. Papers solicited in ConWiN 2005 spans a wide range of areas of interest including but not limited to:
- Physical layer issues for the convergence of heterogeneous wireless communication technologies
- Novel and adaptive communication protocols at all layers, i.e., MAC layer problems, routing, reliable and multimedia transport, for integration of diverse wireless systems such as WLANs, 3G, and WSNs
- Novel and practical communication architectures for the convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks
- Efficient mobility/handoff management protocols for seamless roaming within the converged communication architecture
- Killer applications/services for the convergence towards the NGWI
- Security, authentication, and billing solutions for the converged architecture
Important Dates: ================
Submission deadline : February 25, 2005 Notification of acceptance : May 1, 2005 Camera-ready version : May 15, 2005 Workshop Date : July 10, 2005
Submission Details: ===================
The workshop will only accept for review original papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review by another conference or journal.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than 12 pages of IEEE double column format. Manuscript submission should be done electronically via e-mail by sending a pdf version of the manuscript to conwin@eee.metu.edu.tr
Papers of particular merit will also be published in Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier).
Organization Committee : =======================
Workshop Chair: -------------- Ozgur Baris Akan, Middle East Technical University, TURKEY
TPC Co-Chairs: -------------- Eylem Ekici, Ohio State University, USA Wenye Wang, North Carolina State University, USA
Publicity Chair: ---------------- Jiang (Linda) Xie, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
For more information about the workshop, see http://www.conwin.org/