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Von: fatma outay <fatma.outay@GMAIL.COM>
Datum: 12. Februar 2019 um 10:38:21 MEZ
An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP CAMIoT 2019: The 1st International Workshop on Connected and Advanced Mobility and IoT
Antwort an: fatma outay <fatma.outay@GMAIL.COM>

The 1st International  Workshop on
Connected and Advanced Mobility and IoT
*CAMIoT 2019*

in conjunction with *MobiSPC2019 *conference

Aug 19-21, 2019, Halifax, Canada

  - Paper Submission: 28th Mar, 2019
  - Acceptance Notification: 25th May, 2019
  - Final Manuscript Due: 25th Jun, 2019

*Scope of the workshop:*

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the inter-networking of various physical
devices, objects, and people. It progressively advances and covers a
variety of wired and wireless technologies through embedded devices, smart
objects, and smart users. Acknowledging the speed of these developments
over the last two decades, it’s hard to deny the fact that we’re moving
closer to a fully-connected future every single day. Moreover, the massive
amounts of data generated through these devices is creating the potential
for an entirely new level of integration and usage of data.

*The purpose of the 1st International Workshop on Connected and Advanced
Mobility and IoT is to answer fundamental questions about the Internet of
Things, connected cars, mobility, security and privacy, data processing,
sustainability and what we can expect from the future of mobility and how
we’re going to get there.*

CAMIoT 2019 will be held in conjunction with the 16th International
Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (*MobiSPC 2019*
which is co-organized in Halifax, Canada (*19-21 Aug 2019*).

*Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:*

  - Industrial edge computing methods for IoT
  - Big data processing in edge computing for IoT
  - Emerging IoT applications with ITS.
  - Road Safety
  - Driver behavior and Road Safety
  - V2V, V2I, V2X, Connected Vehicles
  - Smart Security for smart cars
  - Routing protocols in vehicular networks.
  - MAC layer in VANETs
  - Wireless Network.
  - Network Security
  - Smart and creative cities
  - Sustainability of manufacturing within IoT
  - Smart mobility
  - IoT impact on infrastructures
  - Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems
  - Automotive Cybersecurity
  - Cybersecurity for connected and autonomous vehicles
  - Crowdsourcing in connected mobility
  - Security & Privacy Issues in Vehicle Communication Environment
  - Safety & non-safety applications of Connected Vehicles
  - Automotive Electronics and Automatic Control in Vehicular Networks
  - Traffic & Transportation Systems in Vehicular Networks
  - Telematics and Mobile Internet
  - Vehicular Cloud Computing
  - Mobility and the Internet of Vehicles
  - Big Data and Vehicle Analytics
  - Data mining and Data analytic in next Generation of Vehicle Telematics
  - Data worthiness in connected vehicles
  - Sustainable transport
  - Driver Behavior Analysis
  - Visibility and Image Processing
  - Vehicle Environment Perception
  - Cognitive and Context-aware Intelligence


All papers accepted for workshops will be included in the MobiSPC 2019
proceedings, which will be published by Elsevier. The authors must follow
Elsevier guidelines as given on the *MobiSPC 2019 website*
The number of pages for workshop papers is limited to 6 pages.

*Paper format*

The submitted paper must be formatted according to the guidelines of
Procedia Computer Science
MS Word Template
Template Generic


Authors should submit their contributions here, electronically in PDF

*CLICK HERE to submit your workshop paper*


The submission processes will be managed by If you have used
this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is
your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account
by clicking the "I have no EasyChair account" button. Upon completion of
registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are
ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to
the system by the submission due date. In case of any problem with
submission, please contact the workshop chair for assistance.

*Selective outstanding papers*

The selective outstanding papers presented at the workshops, after further
revision, will be considered for publication in journals special issues.
Selected papers will be invited for publication, in the special issues
journal with high impact factor (details will be put online shortly).

All workshops accepted papers will be printed in the conference proceedings
published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science
series (online). Procedia Computer Sciences is hosted on **
and on Elsevier content platform *ScienceDirect*
and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will also be
indexed by *Scopus*
and *Engineering Village*
(Ei). This includes *EI Compendex*
All accepted papers will also be indexed in *DBLP*

*Technical Program Committee (TPC) members: *(*Tentative*)

  - *Faouzi Kamoun, ESPRIT Engineering School, Tunisia*
  - *Zouheir Trabelsi, UAE University, UAE*
  - *Fatma Outay, Zayed University, UAE*
  - *Samia bouchafa, University d’Evry-Val-d’Essone, France*
  - *Véronique Vèque, Université Paris Sud 11, France*
  - *Ansar Yasar, Hasselt University, Belgium*
  - *Nafaa Jabeur, German University of Technology, Oman*
  - *Haroon Malik, Marshall University, USA*
  - *Atta Baddi, University of Reading, UK*
  - *Davy Preuveneers, KU Leuven, Belgium*
  - *Stephane Galland, UTBM, France*
  - * Andrew Leonce, Zayed University, UAE*
  - *Ines Thabet, ESEN, Tunisia.*
  - *Nadia Yaacoubi, ISG, Tunisia*
  - *Mohamed Badra, Zayed University, UAE*
  - Rafik Zayani, SupCom , Tunisia


Dr. Fatma Outay (Workshop Organizer)

College of Technological Innovation

Zayed University, Dubai, UAE

Dr. Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar (Workshop Co-Organizer)

Transportation Research Institute

Hasselt University, Belgium

If you have any further questions please contact one of the workshop

IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.