-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Journal of Systems Research: Call for Papers (Wireless Embedded Systems Area) Datum: Thu, 8 Jul 2021 08:26:28 -0400 Von: Carlo Alberto Boano 000001f9fb5aae12-dmarc-request@COMSOC-LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG Antwort an: Carlo Alberto Boano cboano@TUGRAZ.AT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal of Systems Research: Call for Papers (Wireless Embedded Systems Area) https://escholarship.org/uc/jsys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Call for papers ***
Recent advances in wireless technologies and the advent of the Internet of Things have shaped the evolution of embedded systems towards networks of low-power or battery-less wireless devices often incorporating sensors, actuators, data processing, decision-making, as well as lightweight networking stacks. Such wirelessly-networked embedded systems already represent a cornerstone of today's digital society, due to their omnipresence in a variety of application domains with high societal relevance, such as smart homes, smart cities, smart grids, connected healthcare, precision agriculture, civil infrastructure monitoring, and cyber-manufacturing. Within this context, the "wireless embedded systems" area of JSys welcomes research contributions describing the architecture, design, implementation, and performance of innovative wirelessly-networked embedded systems, as well as works exploring specific communication, computing, and sensing aspects. Particularly relevant are results and insights substantiated by a strong experimental component on real-world devices, as well as contributions describing practical deployments and implementation experiences.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Communication protocols and networking architectures for wireless embedded systems (including design, specification, verification, implementation, measurement, testing, and analysis); - Enhancements and solutions for low-power personal area networks and wide area networks, including enhancements and design of media access control and routing protocols; - Technical assessment of emerging wireless standards; - Design and implementation of innovative applications and systems; - Experiences from (successful or unsuccessful) real-world deployments; - Experiences with harsh environmental conditions and with the programming and debugging of wireless embedded systems in the field; - Coexistence mechanisms as well as radio interference identification and mitigation techniques; - Benchmarking methodologies, testbed infrastructures, and tools for wireless embedded systems; - New platforms and hardware design for wireless embedded systems; - Adaptable, fault-tolerant, and dependable wireless embedded systems; - Location- and context-awareness; - System services such as localization, synchronization, and RF sensing; - Low-power operations, energy harvesting, and energy management; - Energy-neutral, and intermittent sensing systems; - Programming models, languages, and operating systems for networked embedded systems; - Resource-efficient machine learning for embedded and mobile platforms; - Mobile and pervasive wireless embedded systems with elements of networked/collaborative sensing, actuation, and control; - Signal processing for resource-constrained embedded devices and IoT applications. - Non-traditional communication technologies, such as visible light communication, backscatter, or other novel wireless techniques - Replication studies which validate (or refute) prior results, particularly studies with improved scale, additional metrics, or new comparisons; - Fairness, equity, and transparency issues in IoT and CPS;
If you are unsure whether your work is a good fit for Wireless Embedded Systems in JSys, please send a short abstract or description to the area editors (Carlo Alberto Boano and Pat Pannuto), who are happy to give initial feedback.
*** About the Journal ***
The Journal of Systems Research (JSys) is a diamond open-access journal (i.e., without any fees for authors nor readers) that emphasizes rigorous research improving the state-of-the-art. Submissions at JSys have no formal page limitations and are categorized into four types: problem, solutions, tools/benchmark, as well as "systemization of knowledge" (SoK) articles. Articles that put forth a new tool, benchmark, or software solution must undergo an artifact evaluation and make their artifacts publicly available. Note that the reviewing process is open via OpenReview (i.e., submitted papers will be publicly available upon submission) and that the accepted papers will be published alongside with a review summary. For more information on how to submit a paper, please visit https://escholarship.org/uc/jsys/cfp.
*** Editorial Board Members ***
The Wireless Embedded Systems area of JSys is chaired by editors: Carlo Alberto Boano; Graz University of Technology, Austria Pat Pannuto; University of California San Diego, USA
and made up of editorial board members: Michael Baddeley; Technology Innovation Institute, UAE Matteo Ceriotti Zella; University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Ambuj Varshney; University of California, Berkeley, USA Andres Gomez; Hochschule St Gallen, Switzerland Bernd-Christian Renner; University of Koblenz, Germany Shijia Pan; University of California, Merced, USA Longfei Shangguan; Microsoft Research, USA Bhuvana Krishnaswamy; University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA Josiah Hester; Northwestern University, USA
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