-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP] 1st Workshop on FogNetwork 2020 @ IEEE ANTS 2020 Due on October 6, 2020 Datum: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 20:50:18 +0530 Von: Sourav Kanti Addya kanti.sourav@gmail.com Antwort an: Sourav Kanti Addya kanti.sourav@gmail.com An: tccc-announce@comsoc.org
Dear colleagues, Hope you all are keeping well! Apologies for cross-posting. Please consider for possible submission.
*FogNetworks 2020* The First International Workshop on, *Fog Networks: The Next Generation Cellular Communication Systems* https://ants2020.ieee-comsoc-ants.org/authors/workshops/fog-networks-the-nex...
To be held in conjunction with the:
*14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks andTelecommunication Systems (IEEE ANTS)* 14-17 December 2020, Virtual Conference. https://ants2020.ieee-comsoc-ants.org/ ***********************************************************************************
*GENERAL INFORMATION* Cloud computing-based networking is a promising solution for better QoS and QoE in cellular networks. It not only guarantees but also capable and computes a big-data to provide better network experience to mobile end users. The Fog computing augmentation within the 5G network will build a unique framework to improve network capability, and provide a faster real-time interface to applications. This lead to the researcher for the development of fog networks. The fog networks is the next-generation platform that extends cloud computing services and cellular networking, such as 5G or 5G beyond (5GB) by utilizing the fog computing expertise and adding new interfaces to facilitate the mobile end-users with improved network performance. This workshop introduces a new domain of futuristic cellular networks called “Fog Networks”, and it is complementary to cloud aided 5G networks. The proposed workshop provides the opportunity to identify the major challenges, advancements, analysis, optimization, and performance in fog networks, which arise due to distinct features of fog computing and networking. This workshop will provide us a platform to discuss the necessary modification, optimization, methodology, and possible solutions for its deployment.
*AREAS OF INTEREST* We seek original, completed, and unpublished work that is not currently under review by any other journal, magazine, conference, or workshop. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Fog architectures for next generation cellular networks. - Fog computing service and applications for cellular networks. - Network management in fog networks. - Cloud infrastructure support for fog networks. - Fog networks performance over the 5G networks. - Resource management and scheduling in fog networks. - Mobility management in fog networks. - Data management in fog networks. - Security, privacy, and trust management in fog networks. - Quality of service and Quality of experience in fog networks.
*SUBMISSION* Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration at another conference or journal. Submitted papers must be at most six (06) pages long, including figures, tables, references, and appendices in two-column 10pt IEEE Conference format. Papers must exclude authors names and affiliations for double-blind peer reviewing by the PC. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present *(online* or *offline*) their papers at the workshop venue. This IEEE LaTeX template should be useful in complying with the above requirements. Presented Paper will be published in the IEEE ANTS 2020 Proceedings, available at the IEEE Xplore.
The EDAS submission link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=27510&track=104077
*IMPORTANT DATES* Paper submission: 06 October 2020 (Likely to be extended up to one week) Acceptance notification: 20 October 2020 Revised manuscript due (Final submission): 25 October 2020 Best regards, Organizer *FogNetwork 2020.*