-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: ACM Workshop on Underwater Networks (WUWNet 2006) Datum: Mon, 01 May 2006 10:05:30 -0700 Von: Wei Ye weiye@ISI.EDU An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
Our Apologies if you have received multiple copies of the CFP.
Volkan Rodoplu and Wei Ye WUWNet 2006 Publicity Co-Chairs
----------------------------------------------------- The First ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet 2006) http://wuwnet.engr.uconn.edu/
In conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2006 September 29, 2006 Los Angeles, California, USA Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE -----------------------------------------------------
Overview & Scope ****************
The oceans cover 71% of the earth's surface and represent one of the least explored frontiers, yet the oceans are integral to climate regulation, nutrient production, oil retrieval and transportation. As such, there is significant interest in monitoring aquatic environments for scientific, environmental, commercial, safety, and military reasons. While there is a need for highly precise, real-time, fine grained spatio-temporal sampling of the ocean environment, current methods such as remote telemetry and sequential local sensing cannot satisfy current needs, let alone future needs. The notion of an underwater network is relatively new due to the lack of maturity of underwater acoustic communication. However, networks are necessary in order to achieve the monitoring goals noted above. The physical challenges of acoustic underwater communication require us to completely re-think how a network should be designed and deployed in this environment. Challenges to be overcome by underwater acoustic modem and network designers include: severely limited range-dependent bandwidth and attenuation, extensive time-varying multipath propagation, and low speed of sound propagation in water resulting in long propagation delays. Moreover, a unique feature of underwater networks is that the environment is constantly mobile, naturally causing the node passive mobility. All the above distinct features of underwater networks yield new challenges for every level of the network protocol suite.
The goal of the proposed workshop is to bring together researchers and practioners in areas relevant to underwater networks. Thus, many layers of the "stack" from the physical layer to the application layer will be represented. The objective is to serve as a forum for presenting state of the art research, exchanging ideas and experiences, and facilitating interaction and collaboration.
The workshop will span one day, including presentations of technical papers, tutorial/survey papers, a panel session and a poster/demo session. Submissions for regular technical papers and poster/demo extended abstracts should describe original research, not published or currently under review for other workshops, conferences, or journals.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Network architecture design - Efficient acoustic communications - Cooperative underwater communications - Medium access control - Routing and forwarding - Reliable data transfer - Security and robustness - Power management - Data storage and management - Localization and synchronization - Data fusion, dissemination, tracking - Network modeling and simulations - Capacity analysis - New techniques for aquatic applications - New applications for underwater networks
Submission Guidelines *********************
All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Papers must be in PDF format, no longer than 8 pages for regular papers (10 pages for tutorial/survey papers and 4 pages for poster/demo papers), and must follow ACM single-space, double-column format, 10 pt. Submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and novelty through a rigorous review process. Over-length papers will be automatically rejected. Detailed instructions for paper submission are posted on the workshop website.
Important Dates ***************
Submission deadline: June 30, 2006 Acceptance notification: July 28, 2006 Camera-ready version: August 11, 2006 Workshop date: September 29, 2006
Organizing Committee ********************
General Co-chairs:
Jun-Hong Cui (University of Connecticut) Urbashi Mitra (University of Southern California)
Technical Program Co-chairs:
Kevin Fall (Intel Research, Berkeley) Milica Stojanovic (MIT/WHOI)
Publicity Co-chairs:
Volkan Rodoplu (University of California, Santa Barbara) Wei Ye (USC/ISI)
Shengli Zhou (University of Connecticut)
Publications Chair:
Xiuzhen Cheng (George Washington University)
Technical Program Committee ***************************
Ian Akyildiz (Georgia Institute of Technology) Lee Freitag (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Mario Gerla (University of California, Los Angeles) João Pedro Gomes (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal) John Heidemann (USC/ISI) Ronald A. Iltis (University of California, Santa Barbara) Jim Kurose (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Mehul Motani (National University of Singapore) Joseph A. Rice (Naval Postgraduate School) Daniela Rus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Mani Srivastava (University of California, Los Angeles) Yongguang Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia, China) Michele Zorzi (Universita'di Ferrara, Italy)
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