Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this cfp and cfw ******************************************************************************************************************************* MOBILWARE 2010 Third International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications
Sponsored by ICST, technically co-sponsored by Create-Net Proceedings published in the Springer LNICST Series Chicago, USA, June 30-July 2, 2010 - http://www.mobilware.org
Extended versions of selected best papers will be published in the Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal and in the Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management.
Deadline for workshop proposal submission: February 1, 2010 Deadline for paper submission: February 1, 2010
********************************************************************************************************************************** The advances in wireless communication technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices have enabled the realization of intelligent environments for people to communicate with each other, interact with information-processing devices, and receive a wide range of mobile wireless services through various types of networks and systems everywhere, anytime. A key enabler of this pervasive and ubiquitous connectivity environment is the advancement of software technology in various communication sectors, ranging from communication middleware and operating systems to networking protocols and applications. The 2010 edition of MOBILWARE will be the first time to move out of Europe. We plan to further diversify the representation of key organizers and expand the community of industrial and academic researchers fruitfully exchanging novel ideas and operational experiences in the field. MOBILWARE is dedicated to addressing emerging topics and challenges in various mobile wireless software-related areas. The scope of the conference is the design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of middleware, operating systems, and applications for computing and communications in mobile wireless systems. It aims to provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers, engineers, and standards developers to present their latest research activities, techniques, and experiences in the area of software technology for mobile wireless systems.
PAPERS: Original and unpublished research achievements in various aspects of middleware/operating systems/applications for mobile computing and networking are solicited. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: * Integration of heterogeneous wired and wireless networks * QoS awareness, adaptation, and fault-tolerance of mobile services * Opportunistic and delay-tolerant mobile and wireless networking * Location-aware and context-aware networking and computing * Energy-efficient applications and services * Mobility and handoff management * Location and tracking supports and services * Mobility-aware service discovery, management, and delivery * Agent technologies for mobile systems and services * Human-computer interface and portable 3D graphics for mobile devices * Novel applications and communication protocols for wireless sensor networks, vehicular networks, and home networks * Modeling, simulation, and performance evaluation of mobile wireless systems and services * Trustworthiness, security, and privacy of mobile and wireless systems
WORKSHOPS/TUTORIALS: Proposals for workshops/tutorials are solicited. Potential organizers are requested to submit a proposal of at most 5 pages, including a biographical sketch of each proponent, to the Workshop/Tutorial Chair by February 1, 2010 (form deadline). Proposal evaluation will be based on proponents' expertise and relevance of the subject matter. Workshop proceedings will be published in the Springer LNICST series, as the proceedings of the main conf.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All papers and workshop/tutorial proposal submissions will be handled electronically. Please visit the MyReview paper submission server at http://rs.cs.iastate.edu/MobilWare2010/ or the conference Website at http://www.mobilware.org for detailed submission requirements and procedures.
PUBLICATION: All submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by TPC members and invited reviewers. All accepted papers will be published in the novel Springer Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST) series and be included in major article indexing services. Extended versions of selected best papers from MOBILWARE'10 will be published in a dedicated special issue of the Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal and recommended for publication (fast review track) in the Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management.
IMPORTANT DATES: Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Due Date: February 1, 2010 Paper Submission Due Date: February 1, 2010 Notification of Acceptance: April 1, 2010 Camera Ready Versions Due: April 20, 2010
STEERING COMMITTEE Imrich Chlamtac (Chair), Create-Net, Italy Paolo Bellavista, Univ. Bologna, Italy Carl K. Chang, Iowa State Univ., USA
GENERAL CHAIRS Paolo Bellavista, Univ. Bologna, Italy Carl K. Chang, Iowa State Univ., USA
TECH. PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIRS Ying Cai, Iowa State Univ.., USA Minglu Li, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., China Thomas Magedanz, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
WORKSHOP/TUTORIAL CHAIR Jinchun Xia, San Jose State Univ., USA
LOCAL CHAIRS Jennifer Juehring, Iowa State Univ., USA Laurel Tweed, Iowa State Univ., USA
WEB AND PROCEEDINGS CHAIR Carlo Giannelli, Univ. Bologna, Italy
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be confirmed and extended) J.M. Bonnin, Inst. Telecom/Telecom Bretagne, France C. Borcea, NJIT Univ., USA J.J. Bu , Zhejiang Univ., China R.H. Campbell, UIUC, USA J. Cao, Polyt. Univ., Hong Kong Z. Chen, Florida Int. Univ., USA L. Cheng, Lehigh Univ. Bethlehem, USA A. Chibani, Paris 12 Univ., France I. Demeure, ENST, Telecom ParisTech, France A. Fasbender, Ericsson GmbH, Germany X. Fu, Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell, USA A. Gavras, Eurescom, Germany M. Gerla, Univ. California at Los Angeles, USA R. Glitho, Concordia Univ. Montreal, Canada J. Govil, CISCO, USA M. Gunes, FU Berlin, Germany C. Hesselman, Novay, the Netherlands R. Hill, Indiana University, USA S. Holtel, Vodafone Group R&D, Germany F. Hong, Ocean Univ. of China, P. R. China C.-L. Hu, National Central Univ., Taiwan L. Iftode, Rutgers Univ., USA A. Jaokar, Futuretext, UK W. Jiang, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China C. Julien, Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA T.G. Kanter, Mid Sweden Univ., Sweden P.J. Keleher, Univ. Maryland, USA W.-S. Ku, Auburn Univ., USA Y. Lan, Northeastern Univ., China P. Langendoerfer, IHP, Germany X. (Cindy) Li, Univ. N. Carolina Pembroke, USA X. Li, Oklahoma State Univ., USA D. Maggiorini, Univ. of Milano, Italy R. Minerva, Telecom Italia, Italy P. Nixon, Univ. College Dublin, Ireland J.K. Nurminen, Nokia, Finland H. Ohsaki, Osaka Univ., Japan G. Ormazabal, Verizon Laboratories, USA J. Payton, Univ. North Carolina at Charlotte, USA S. Pandey, CISCO Systems Inc., USA F. Ren, Tsinghua Univ., China K. (Quinn) Ren, Illinois Inst. Technology, USA R. Schwaiger, Deutsche Telekom Labs, Germany J. Song, KAIST, Korea L. Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China W. Sun, Fudan Univ., China J. Taheri, Univ. Sydney, Australia X. Tao, Nanjing Univ., China A. Tripathi, Univ. Minnesota, USA N. Ventura, Univ. Cape Town, South Africa Xiaodong Wang, Nat. Univ. Defense Tech., China Xinbing Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., China B. Xu, Tsinghua Univ., China G. Xue, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., China W. Xue, Tsinghua Univ., China M.A. Youssef, Nile Univ., Egypt F. Zambonelli, Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, Italy L. Zhang, Indiana Univ. S. Bend, USA Q. Zheng, Xian Jiaotong Univ., China Y. Zhu, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., China
Paolo Bellavista, Ph. D. Associate Professor in Computer Science Engineering EB Member of IEEE Communications, IEEE T. Services Computing, Elsevier Pervasive Computing, and Springer J. Network Systems Mgmt. DEIS - Università degli Studi di Bologna Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY) Tel# +39-051-2093866; Fax# +39-051-2093073 Email: paolo.bellavista@unibo.it Web: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/PaoloBellavista/ _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc