-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP – IEEE WoWMoM Workshop 2022 | NTN-6G Datum: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 08:16:05 +0100 Von: Sara Pizzi sara.pizzi@UNIRC.IT Antwort an: Sara Pizzi sara.pizzi@UNIRC.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
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IEEE WoWMoM Workshop 2022
NTN-6G: Non-Terrestrial Networks in 6G Wireless
http://ntn-6g.unirc.it/ http://ntn-6g.unirc.it/ ******************************************************************************************************************
Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) is growing in importance owing to its capability to deliver the novel unmanned and
autonomous applications of next-to-come sixth-generation (6G) networks anywhere and anytime and also provide
coverage in areas that are unreachable by any conventional Terrestrial Network (TN). Spaceborne (i.e., GEO, MEO, and
LEO satellites) or airborne (i.e., Unmanned Aircraft Systems or UASs and High Altitude Platforms or HAPs) vehicles
constituting the NTN may act either as a relay node or as a base station and can be leveraged to complement TNs.
Compared to terrestrial wireless networks, NTNs have many distinctive features, such as specific channel models, highly
dynamic network topologies, and weakly connected communication links. As a consequence, solutions tailored to
terrestrial networks cannot be directly applied to NTNs. Hence, new techniques suitable for NTNs need to be developed.
Furthermore, various satellite systems on different orbits remain isolated ‘islands’, and they are also disconnected from
the ground networks. Therefore, integrating all existing networks in air, space, and on ground into a unified system will
be essential for 6G.
The purpose of the NTN-6G Workshop is to provide a platform for the discussion of the major research challenges, latest
developments and recent advances in Non-Terrestrial Networks in 6G Wireless Networks.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Smart Radio Resource Management Techniques for Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Integration of Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Broadcast/Multicast services over Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- SDN and NFV solutions for Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Device and network virtualization in Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Edge, Fog, and Cloud computing architectures for Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Security, privacy, and trust management in Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning-based approaches in Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Above 6 GHz: millimeter-wave, Terahertz-band, optical wireless communication for Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Interference issues in Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Channel models for Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Multi-antennas technologies for Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Network Management & Control Issues for Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Standardization and evolution of Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Novel IoT application and use-cases enabled by Non-Terrestrial Networks;
- Experimental testbeds and measurements of Non-Terrestrial Networks.
Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2022
Author Notification: April 10, 2022
Camera-ready submission: April 21, 2022
Workshop date: June 14, 2022
Submissions may be up to 6 pages in length (including figures and references), formatted in two-column
IEEE conference style with font size 10 point or greater. For the camera-ready (accepted) papers, authors
can buy one additional page, for a total length of up to 7 pages.
Papers must be submitted electronically to EDAS https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=29284&track=110112 by March 1, 2022.
For guidelines regarding formatting, please refer to the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.
Giuseppe Araniti, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy
araniti@unirc.it mailto:araniti@unirc.it
Helka-Liina Määttänen, Ericsson Research, Finland
helka-liina.maattanen@ericsson.com mailto:helka-liina.maattanen@ericsson.com
Sara Pizzi, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy
sara.pizzi@unirc.it mailto:sara.pizzi@unirc.it -------------------------------------------------------------- Sara Pizzi, PhD Assistant Professor ARTS - Laboratory of Advanced Research into Telecommunication Systems DIIES Department University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Via Graziella loc. Feo di Vito 89124 Reggio Calabria e-mail: sara.pizzi@unirc.it mailto:sara.pizzi@unirc.it Phone: +39 0965 1693276
“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” (Immanuel Kant)
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