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SensorNets 2009: The First International School on Cyber-Physical and Sensor Networks
Monastir, Tunisia, December 17-21, 2009
It is a common belief that computing has been increasingly integrating our life. It results that the philosophy of networking is currently reaching a new frontier, where the physical processes directly impact the logical information for the sake of pervasive and ubiquitous control of the surrounding environment. This objective can be achieved by means of massively networked embedded systems, also known as cyber-physical systems (CPS). The Wireless Sensor Network paradigm is known as the most prominent enabling technology for CPS. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has also been a pioneer technology in defining the new concept of Internet-of-Things. There is, as consequence, a tendency to change the concept of the Internet from a network a data to a network of physical objects.
The objective of the the SensorNets 2009 School is to present a comprehensive state-of-the-art of the enabling technologies for the concept of Cyber-Physical Systems such as Wireless Sensor Networks, RFID, wireless standard protocols, etc. from the basic concepts to the latest achievement and the future challenges in the related research area.
The goals of the SensorNets 2009 School are as follows:
* Provide a basic survey of the current research works and challenges on cyber-physical and sensor-based systems, * Provide a overview on the current enabling technologies for cyber-physical and sensor-based systems, * Provide a good opportunity to meet people and distinguished scholars working on cyber-physical and sensor-based systems, * Establish contacts that may lead to research collaborations in the future.
Topics http://www.dei.isep.ipp.pt/%7Eakoubaa/sensornets/topics.php
The main topics addressed in SensorNets 2009 are:
* Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks and RFID Systems: node architecture, network architectures, communication protocols (MAC, routing), RFID concepts, data dissemination, network coverage, aggregation, operating systems, sensor network programming, topology control, * Non-functional properties of Wireless Sensor Networks: localization, mobility, security, quality-of-service, real-time, reliability, fault-tolerance, * Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks and RFID Systems: environment monitoring, tracking applications, cooperative objects, surveillance, home automation * Challenges towards building Cyber-physical Systems: Standardization efforts, heterogeneous network integration, IP over IEEE 802.15.4, interoperability,
The expected audience are:
* Post-graduate students, PhD students, and young researchers from universities: SensorNets 2009 will provide a very thorough and comprehensive background for young researchers starting their work in the areas of WSNs and CPS. * Researchers and engineers from academic and industrial laboratories around the world, We expect hosting 60 participants.
Satellite Events
* Demos & Posters session: This session will be dedicated to the demonstrations and presentations of preliminary and ongoing works of PhD students dealing with WSNs and CPS. Demo and Poster papers must be submitted to the session chair and must not exceed two pages. * Awards: Best Master/Ph.D. Awards: Ph.D. dissertations and Master theses already defended can be submitted to participate to the awards competition.
Habib M. Ammari, Hofstra University, (USA)
Mario Alves , CISTER Research Unit, (Portugal)
Sajal K. Das , University of Texas at Arlington, (USA)
Gianluca Dini , University of Pisa, (Italy)
Andrzej Duda, National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, (France)
Vlado Handziski , Technical University of Berlin, (Germany)
Jan Hauer, Technical University of Berlin, (Germany)
Anis Koubaa, Al-Imam University/CISTER Research Unit, (KSA/Portugal)
Luca Mottola, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), (Sweden)
David Simplot-Ryl, INRIA/LIFL, (France)
Hichem Snoussi, University of Technology of Troyes, (France)
The city of Monastir is located in the central eastern part of Tunisia on the Mediterranean coast. Located at 160 km from the capital (Tunis), Monastir is a nice coastal resort, covering an area of 6,614 ha along a 6 km long shore.
General Co-Chairs: Mohamed Abid, David Simplot-Ryl
Program Co-Chairs: Anis Koubâa, Habib M. Ammari
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