-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [MM2005] Deadlines extended; CFP IEEE MM Special Issue; CFP MMCN 2007 Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 10:22:35 -0400 From: ACM Multimedia Committee acmsigmm@fastmail.fm To: Multimedia Recipient WOLF@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Greetings from the ACM Multimedia committee. Included in this email are the following:
* Multimedia 2005 Conference Submission Deadlines extended * CFP Continuous Archival and Retrieval of Personal Experiences (CARPE) Special Issue in IEEE Multimedia * CFP MMCN 2007 (Multimedia Computing and Networking)
And, of course, please see the end of the email for subscribe and unsubscribe information and the web site for more detailed information.
Please help us publicize this conference by forwarding this email to any interested colleagues.
ACM Multimedia 2005 Submission Deadlines Extended
The submission deadline for FULL Technical papers and Interactve Arts papers has been extended until May 30th.
See the web site for details. http://acmmm05.comp.nus.edu.sg/
IEEE MultiMedia Call for Papers
*Call for Papers* **Continuous Archival and Retrieval of Personal Experiences (CARPE)***
**October-December 2006 Special Issue** * **Guest Editors** Jim Gemmell mailto:jgemmell@microsoft.com, Microsoft Hari Sundaram mailto:Hari.Sundaram@asu.edu, Arizona State University
**Abstracts due:** 11 Nov. 2005 **Submissions due:** 12 Dec. 2005 **Author notification:** 6 Mar. 2006 **Final versions due:** 19 June 2006
To expedite the review process we would appreciate it if authors intending to submit an article could send a title, author list, and abstract to Jim Gemmell jgemmell@microsoft.com and Hari Sundaram Hari.Sundaram@asu.edu by **11 November 2005**.
Human beings have always been interested in personal media capture to sample and archive their experiences. The technology to support this endeavor has progressed from diaries and painting, through pocket cameras, to the current era where capture is digital, and sound and image recording can be supplemented with such data as temperature, heart rate, location, Web pages visited, compute/device usage logs, and so on.
A large proportion of multimedia research has focused on the representation, archival and transmission of media related to isolated events--single or group images of a party, a video of a graduation ceremony, and so on. This special issue is dedicated to an emerging area of research that deals with the continuous archival and retrieval of all media relating to personal experiences. The continuous archival paradigm fundamentally alters our relationship to biological memory, since analysis of such media powerfully augments human memory.
Personal storage of a person's entire media throughout a lifetime has been desired and discussed since at least 1945, when Vannevar Bush published /As We May Think/, positing the "Memex" device "in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility." His vision was astonishingly broad for the time, including full-text search, annotations, hyperlinks, virtually unlimited storage, and even stereo cameras mounted on eyeglasses. In 2004, storage, sensor, and computing technology have progressed to the point of making Memex feasible and even affordable. Indeed, we can now look beyond Memex at new possibilities.
Interest in this topic has been demonstrated by the success of two recent workshops: CARPE (at ACM Multimedia 04) and "Memory and Sharing of Experiences" (at Pervasive 04). Also, there is interest in funding such research, as evidenced by the DARPA Assist program and the UK Memories for Life grand challenge proposal.
**Potential topics**
This special issue encourages submissions on topics relevant to CARPE, including:
* Capture/sensors (including scanning, wearable, embedded, different kinds of sensors, and robotic assistance) and experiential sampling * Data storage, management, organization, and retrieval * Insight (content analysis and data mining) * User interface issues, including visualization, authoring, story-telling, and annotation * Applications, such as personal museum, health-support, childcare, research tools, and meeting capture. * Security, privacy, and legal issues
Articles should be no more than eight magazine pages, where a page is 750 words and a quarter-page image counts as 200 words. Cite only 15-20 of the most critical references, and consider providing background in sidebars for nonexpert readers. Color images can be interspersed through the article and should be limited to a total of 10. Visit MultiMedia's Author Resources http://www.computer.org/portal/site/multimedia page for more information.
Please submit your paper using our online manuscript submission service http://cs-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com/. When uploading your paper, please select the appropriate special issue title under the category "Manuscript Type." If you have any questions about submitting your article, please contact Alkenia Winston mailto:mm-ma@computer.org.
Please direct any correspondence prior to submission to both guest editors at:
**Jim Gemmell** Microsoft Research 455 Market St. #1690 San Francisco, CA, 94105, USA Phone: 415.778.8224 Email: jgemmell@microsoft.com
**Hari Sundaram** Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287, USA Phone: 480.965.3186 Email: Hari.Sundaram@asu.edu
Call for Papers and Announcement
Multimedia Computing and Networking 2007 (EI120)
Part of the IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging In cooperation with: ACM SIG Multimedia
15-18 January 2006 San Jose Marriott and San Jose Convention Center San Jose, CA, USA
The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners contributing to all facets of multimedia computing and networking. We especially encourage full and original papers on emerging technologies such as residential broadband networks and digital appliances, multimedia and QoS support for 3G and ad hoc networks, multimedia in P2P environments, sensor networks and grids, power-aware computing and communications, mobile and fixed wireless multimedia networks and content distribution networks. We will specially feature industrial design experiences and showcase tools for next-generation multimedia systems and applications. Presenters will be encouraged to make multimedia presentations and demonstrate their solutions in person.
Papers are solicited in all areas of multimedia, including, but not limited to:
Multimedia Networking . home, mobile and broadband networks . QoS control and scheduling . push technologies, content distribution and other emerging access technologies . Internet data streaming, delivery and wide-area caching . sensor networks for multimedia . grid use for multimedia
Measurement and Modeling . performance measurement of multimedia systems . statistical modeling of server traffic and server software . multimedia system simulations and benchmark comparisons
Multimedia Computing . multimedia OS services . power-aware systems . video-on-demand services . peer-to-peer media systems . development tools
Case Studies and Applications . entertainment and networked games . distributed virtual reality . multimedia authoring
Authors are invited to submit both research and industrial papers on original, unpublished work describing current research and novel ideas in the area of multimedia computing and networking. Papers whose contributions are supported by experimental evaluations are strongly encouraged. Paper submissions should not exceed 15 single-spaced, single column pages including figures, tables, and references, using a typeface no smaller than 10 points. The full paper and a 500-word text abstract must be electronical- ly submitted by the submission deadline. For details about the submission process go to the conference website at http://www.ifi.uio.no/mmcn2006.
Full Paper for Review Due: 24 June 2005 Final Manuscript Due: 24 October 2005 200-word Final Summary Due: 14 November 2005 Proceedings of this conference will be published and available at the meeting.
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--- This mail was sent to WOLF@IBR.CS.TU-BS.DE ---