-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [IEEE-CS TCI] Call for Papers- SAINT 2008 Datum: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 08:21:42 -0500 (CDT) Von: Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed iq@mscs.mu.edu An: ieee-tci@cs.bu.edu
CALL FOR PAPERS : SAINT2008 The IEEE/IPSJ Symposium on Applications and the Internet Turku, FINLAND, 28 July - 1 August 2008
Co-sponsored by: the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) and the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
Co-located with: The 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2008)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paper Submission: November 15, 2007 Author Notification: Feburuary 15, 2008 Final Manuscript: May 1, 2008 Workshop Proposals: November 15, 2007 Workshop Call for Papers: November 30, 2007 Workshop Paper Submission: March 1, 2008 Workshop Paper Notification: March 30, 2008 Workshop Final Manuscript: May 1, 2008 Panel Proposals: November 15, 2007
THEME : The Pervasive Internet -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Researchers are encouraged to submit papers related to theme of this year: The Pervasive Internet:
The Internet has been revolutionizing and changing the way we communicate, access information and conduct businesses. Today, the Internet is evolving into a pervasive and highly distributed ecosystem of connected computers, mobile devices, sensors, home appliances, and a variety of other Internet devices. This evolution is leading to deep intertwining of the physical and digital worlds, raising new research agendas and challenging our understanding of the requirements for networked computing and Internet based Service Oriented Architectures. SAINT focuses on emerging research challenges raised by the pervasive Intenet, and its future applications and services, as well as their enabling technologies. The symposium provides a forum for researchers and practitioners from the academic, industrial, public and governmental sectors to share their latest innovations on Internet technologies and applications. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
A. Internet Application Areas: * Content Management: semi-structured data, information integration, search and retrieval, data mining, semantic web, mobile and local search * Content Delivery: media streaming, web caching, QoS, universal access and interfacing * Web Services: architecture & middleware, information agents, brokering and negotiation, service discovery, service composition, context-aware services * E-Business: Internet-based workflow, virtual enterprises, B2B, auctioning systems * Collaboration: fixed, mobile & ad-hoc groupware, social network software, trust & IPR technologies * Internet communities: peer-to-peer platforms and applications, folksonomies, protocols for self-organizing communities, social networks * Wireless Access: content adaptation, location-based services, mobile transactions, personalization, mobile service discovery & delivery * Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing: smart space architecture and middleware, sensor networks and sensor web, pervasive programming models and tools,
B. Enabling technologies for the Internet: * Software Architectures: service-oriented architectures, GRID computing, peer-to-peer and overlay networks, mobile agents, very large scale server systems * Standards: including XML, WSDL, WSFL, ebXML, Java, JXTA, .NET, EchoNet, SODA, others. * Internet Security: architecture, threats, detection, countermeasures, trust models, others. * Network and Protocol Architectures: routing, performance, ad-hoc, sensor and mobile networks, IPv6 * Information Appliances: smart phones, PDAs, sensor platforms, RFID based and embedded. computers
Paper Submission -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paper submission and review will be done electronically. Information for prospective authors, including paper format and instructions can be found in the Web page ( http://www.saintconference.org/).
Publications -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Proceedings of the Symposium and the Workshops will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. There are plans to invite several authors to provide revised papers for special issues of IEEE-CS or IPSJ magazines and journals.
Best Paper Award -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A best paper will be selected and recognized by the Program Committee and the Awards Chairs.
Workshops and Panels -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Full- and half-day workshop and panel proposals related to SAINT2008 theme are solicited. Workshop proposals should be submitted directly to the Workshops Chairs. After the review of proposals, the accepted Workshops Call For Papers must be sent to the Workshop Chairs. SAINT2008 specifically welcomes Workshops organized and paper-presented by Ph.D students. Panel proposals should be submitted directly to Panels Chairs. (e-mail address for submission should be announced later at http://www.saintconference.org)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizing Committee ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Chairs: Katsuyuki Yamazaki, Nagaoka Univ. of Technology, Japan Elisa Bertino, Purdue University Program Chairs: Henry Tirri, Nokia Research and University of Helsinki, Finland Yasuo Okabe, Kyoto Univ., Japan Workshop Chairs: Morris Chang, Iowa State University, USA Masato Tsuru, Kyushu Institute of Tech., Japan Panel Chairs: Hesham El-Rewini, SMU, USA Kenichi Yoshida, Tsukuba Univ., Japan Publicity Chairs: Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Marquette Univ., USA Shigeru Miyake, Hitachi, Japan Local Arrangements Chair: Tiberiu Seceleanu, University of Turku and TUCS, Finland Registration Chairs: Damla Turgut, Univ. of Central Florida, USA Hiroyuki Oosaki, Osaka Univ., Japan Publication Chairs: Marko Mahkonen, Nokia, Finland Shigehiro Ano, KDDI Labs., Japan Industry Liaison Chairs: Atsuhiro Goto, NTT, Japan Allan Zhang, Yahoo Financial Chairs: Ying Cai, Iowa State University Hideki Sunahara, NAIST, Japan Web Publicity Chairs: Hen-I Yang, University of Florida, USA Motonori Nakamura, NII, Japan Designated Technical Committee Chair: Azer Bestavros, Boston University, USA Ray Aibara, Hiroshima University, Japan International Liaison Chairs: Pradip Srimani, Clemson University, USA Chizuko Yasunobu, Hitachi Consulting, Japan Awards Chairs: Hiroshi Esaki, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan Sumi Helal, SMU, USA Steering Committee Chair: Shinji Shimojo, Osaka Univ., Japan Steering Committee Chair-Elect: Carl K. Chang, Iowa State University, USA
A PDF version of this CFP is also available (http://www.icta.ufl.edu/saint08/SAINT2008cfp.pdf). _______________________________________________________ This email was sent via the IEEE-CS TCI Mailing List http://cs-mailman.bu.edu/mailman/listinfo/ieee-tci