-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [ICEC] INTERACT 2005 Call for Paper Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 19:18:36 +0100 From: Rauterberg, G.W.M. G.W.M.Rauterberg@tue.nl To: icec@listserver.tue.nl CC: Maria Francesca Costabile costabile@di.uniba.it
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Tenth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
12-16 September 2005, Rome, Italy http://www.interact2005.org/
The INTERACT '05 conference will highlight to both the academic and industrial world the importance of the Human-Computer Interaction area and its most recent breakthroughs on current applications.
Interact 2005 invites submissions in following CATEGORIES:
* Full papers * Short papers * Posters * Demos * Tutorials * Workshops * Panels * SIG
Suggested TOPICS include but are not limited to:
- Multi-modal Interfaces - Context-dependent Systems - End User Development - Intelligent Environments - Tangible Interfaces - Novel User Interfaces - Usability Evaluation - Location-aware Interaction - Model-based Design of Interactive Systems - Multi-user Interaction - Safety Issues and Human error - Cognitive Models - Visualisation Techniques - Web Design and Usability - Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing - 3D and Virtual Reality Interfaces - Adaptive Interfaces - Web Accessibility - Usability & Accessibility
Full papers, tutorials, workshops: * Submission to be received: 31 January 2005 * Acceptance sent to authors: 15 March 2005 * Final version to be received: 30 April 2005
Short papers, SIG, panels,posters, demos: * Submission to be received: 30 March 2005 * Acceptance sent to authors: 10 May 2005 * Final version to be received: 30 May 2005
General Chair Stefano Levialdi - University of Roma
Conference Co-Chairs Maria Francesca Costabile- University of Bari Fabio PaternĂ² - ISTI-CNR , Pisa
Tutorials Co-Chairs Mary Czerwinski- Microsoft Research, Seattle Philippe Palanque- LIIHS-IRIT, University of Toulouse 3
Workshops Co-Chairs Tiziana Catarci - University of Roma Markus Stolze - IBM Research , Zurich
Short Papers & Demos Co-Chairs Luca Chittaro - University of Udine Tom Gross - Bauhaus - University Weimar
Panels Co-Chairs Julio Abascal - University of the Basque Country Piero Mussio - University of Milano
Special Interest Groups Co-Chairs Joaquim A. Jorge - INESC Monique Noirhomme - University of Namur
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs John Karat - IBM TJ Watson Research Center Matthias Rauterberg - Technical University of Eindhoven
Technology Co-Chairs Giulio Mori - ISTI-CNR, Pisa Emanuele Panizzi - University of Roma
----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Maria Francesca Costabile Dipartimento di Informatica Universita' di Bari tel +39-080-5443300 Via Orabona 4 fax +39-080-5443300 70125 Bari - Italy e-mail costabile@di.uniba.it
visit the Interact 2005 website http://www.interact2005.org/
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