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HEALTHCOM 2008, 10th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services
Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE July 7-9, Singapore
The Tenth International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services (Healthcom2008) is a forum that brings together people from academia, research, governments and industry, including clinicians, hospital administrators, software developers, researchers, educators, healthcare system vendors, and consultants to discuss emerging challenges and solutions for e-Health in the world. It has also become a forum for discussions on related topics in world bodies, such as ITU, WHO and APEC, especially about the Ubiquitous Healthcare Initiative for Ageing Societies. Healthcom was successfully held in Sydney, Australia in 1999 and 2000, L'Aquila, Italy in 2001, Nancy, France in 2002, Santa Monica, USA in 2003, Odawara, Japan in 2004, Busan, Korea in 2005, New Delhi, India in 2006 and Taipei, Taiwan in 2007. 2008 will be the first time the conference will be held in Singapore.
Healthcom2008 will have long papers for which full paper submissions are required, and short papers for which only abstracts are needed. Papers must be written in English and electronically received on Healhcom2008 website (http://www.healthcom2008.org) by December 14th 2007. Prospective authors are requested to submit a one page abstract (in case a short paper is being submitted) or a full paper (in case a full paper is being submitted). The full paper must be in IEEE format and not exceeding 8 pages including all diagrams and references, and in PDF format. Both abstract submissions and full paper submissions must have names, affiliations and full contact details (including email addresses) of all authors. All submitted papers will be reviewed by International experts in the Program Committee, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Special Notice: Best papers from Healthcom2008 will be submitted for publication in to ISI listed international refereed journals such as Telemedicine Journal and e-Health.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to * Mobile Telemedicine * Tele-homecare & Ubiquitous Healthcare * Tele-presence & Robotics in Healthcare * e-Health initiatives of world bodies * Human Computer Interface * Standards: HL7, XML, GEHR * Networking and Embedded Systems * Virtual Reality and Voice Recognition * Multimedia in Education and Training * Multimedia Technology in Internet Apps * Bio-signal processing * Assistive technologies * Security and Privacy in healthcare * Health monitoring * Storage and display devices * Emerging technologies for rehabilitation * Tele-Rehabilitation and Tele-Physiotherapy * Sensor networks for patient and elderly care * Semantic Web in Healthcare * Navigation Systems for Healthcare * Computing for Human Experience and Wellness * Medical nomadic computing * Healthcare Industry Applications * Graphical Visualization & Modeling * Image Compression & Communications * Medical Imaging & Molecular Imaging * Medical Image Processing & Analysis * Rural e-HealthCare Management * Healthcare Cost & Financial Analysis * Context-awareness for smart space in healthcare * IT infrastructures and platforms for remote healthcare
1) Long paper All presenters of long papers are expected to submit a full paper. * The paper size is A4 or Letter size. * 4 to 6 pages are appropriate, but 8 pages maximum * The font size of the text is 10 to 11 points * Please set the default font to Times New Roman (or similar)
2) Short paper or Poster Abstract for a short paper or poster presentation * The paper size is A4 or Letter size. * Short abstract within 500 words is recommended
3) Final paper (Camera-ready) The final paper format will be based on IEEE standards.
IMPORTANT DATES December 14th, 2007 Deadline of Papers Submission February 29th, 2008 Notification of Acceptance April 4th, 2008 Camera-ready papers due and speaker registration April 4th, 2008 Deadline of Early Registration July 7th, 2008 Conference date At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register for the event within the registration deadline for the paper to be included in the proceedings.
AWARDS The International Technical Program Committee will select the best research paper and the best young scientist (student) paper for awards.
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc