=== EXTENDED Submission deadline! EXTENDED Submission deadline! ===
======================== CALL FOR PAPERS ========================== 11th IEEE Global Internet Symposium 2008 (in conjunction with IEEE Infocom 2008)
Phoenix AZ, April 18 2008
http://www.netsec.colostate.edu/gi08/ ======================== CALL FOR PAPERS ==========================
Important Dates --------------- Paper Registration: February 1, 2008, 11:59 PM, PST (extended!) Paper Submissions: Febrary 8, 2008, 11:59 PM, PST (extended!) Notification of Acceptance: March 14, 2008 Final Manuscript: March 28, 2008 Symposium: April 18, 2008
Submissions ----------- Submitted papers must be 6 pages or less, 11pt font. For more information about submissions, including templates please see http://www.netsec.colostate.edu/gi08/submission.html
Conference Information ---------------------- The 11th IEEE Global Internet Symposium will be held simultaneously and co-located with IEEE Infocom 2008. All relevant dates, location, and travel information are available from the IEEE Infocom 2008 conference site: http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2008.
Symposium Topics ---------------- IEEE Global Internet 2008 aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss advances in Internet-related technologies. The focus of the symposium is on experimental systems and on emerging Internet technologies. The Program Committee encourages original submissions describing promising work in progress, speculations about the future of the Internet, and progressive position papers.
Authors are invited to submit papers on any issue related to Internet technology, including but not limited to the following topics:
- P2P networking and overlay networks - Privacy and/or security issues in the Internet - Provisioning, monitoring, and management of IP services (VPNs, traffic engineering, mobility support, etc.) - Content networking (caching, content distribution, content routing, content services, load balancing, etc.) - Distributed Internet applications including games, VoIP, and video conferencing - Novel applications and new paradigms (telephony, streaming media, etc.) - Handling Internet dynamics/heterogeneity (by applications and/or the network) - Routing (unicast, multicast, anycast, etc.) - Flow management (fairness/sharing, congestion control, differentiated services, etc.) - The Internet and mobility/mobile devices - Traffic measurement, analysis, modeling, and visualization - Anomaly, intrusion and attack detection
Executive Committee ------------------- TPC Chairs: Christos Papadopoulos (Colorado State University) Ahmed Helmy (University of Florida)
Technical Program Committee:
1. Fan Bai (GM Research) 2. Anup Basu (University of Alberta) 3. Georg Carle (University of Tübingen) 4. Michael Devetsikiotis (North Carolina State) 5. Christos Douligeris (University of Piraeus) 6. Eylem Ekici (Ohio State University) 7. Lars Eggert (Nokia) 8. Ted Faber (USC/ISI) 9. Anja Feldmann (T-Labs, TU-Berlin) 10. Gianluca Iannaccone (Intel Research) 11. Jorg Liebeherr (University of Toronto) 12. Markus Hofmann (Lucent) 13. Jun Li (University of Oregon) 14. Bin Liu (Tsinghua Univeristy) 15. Ratul Mahajan (Microsoft Research) 16. Athina Markopoulou (UCI) 17. Daniel Massey (Colorado State University) 18. Jelena Mirkovic (USC/ISI) 19. Maria Papadopouli (University of Crete/FORTH/UNC) 20. Craig Partridge (BBN) 21. Peter Reiher (UCLA) 22. Karim Seada, (Nokia Research) 23. Georgos Siganos (Telefonica Research - Barcelona) 24. James P.G. Sterbenz (Kansas University) 25. Joe Touch (USC/ISI) 26. Tilman Wolf (UMass) 27. John Wroclawski (USC/ISI) 28. Marco Zuniga (Xerox Research)
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc