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Von: zhu haojin zhuhaojin@GMAIL.COM Datum: 7. Januar 2014 07:03:43 MEZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications SI on Security and Privacy of P2P Networks in Emerging Smart City Antwort an: zhu haojin zhuhaojin@GMAIL.COM
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications SI on Security and Privacy of P2P Networks in Emerging Smart City
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Call for Papers: Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications seeks original manuscripts for a Special Issue on Security and Privacy of P2P Networks in Emerging Smart City.
Recently, the smart city has been introduced as a promising concept due to its potential benefits including low-carbon economy, intelligent traffic management, ubiquitous information sharing, and etc. In the smart city, there are many key components, such as smart grid, smart vehicle, smart cloud, and mobile social network. Thanks to the good salability and low processing cost on content delivery and distributed search engine in these components, P2P technologies are expected to play an essential role in accelerating the implementation of the smart city.
Although we have witnessed the major and remarkable development in the field of smart city in the recent years, the security and privacy issues of the smart city have not been well studied. Thus, there is a crucial need for security and privacy research to achieve secure and privacy-preserving smart city. The purpose of this special issue is to report on the most up-to-date contributions in smart city from P2P perspective. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit theoretical or applied papers dealing with the following topics (but not limited to):
- Security and Privacy Issues in P2P based Smart Grid
. Authentication, authorization, and access control for smart appliances . Security and privacy in smart meters, energy auction markets, and distributed power generations . Implementation and testbed for security evaluation in the smart grid
- Security and Privacy Issues in P2P based Smart Vehicle
. Security policies, standards, and regulations in vehicle ad-hoc networks (VANETs) . Authentication, authorization, accounting, secure routing, and privacy protection in VANETs . Implementation and testbed for security evaluation in VANETs
- Security and Privacy Issues in P2P based Smart Cloud
. Keyword searching and matching in cloud computing . Authentication, authorization, accounting, access control and privacy protection in cloud computing . Attack modeling, prevention, mitigation, and defense in cloud computing . Implementation and testbed for security evaluation in cloud computing
- Security and Privacy Issues in P2P based Mobile Social Network
. Authentication, authorization, access control and privacy protection in mobile social network . Secure information sharing, searching and matching in mobile social network . Implementation and testbed for security evaluation in mobile social network
Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals. Springer offers authors, editors and reviewers of Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications a web-enabled online manuscript submission and review system. Our online system offers authors the ability to track the review process of their manuscript. This online system offers easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures, and supports a wide range of submission file formats. Manuscripts should be submitted to: http://PPNA.edmgr.com. Choose ?Security and Privacy in Smart City? as the article type.
Guest Editors:
Hongwei Li, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China (lead: Hongwei.uestc@gmail.com); Haojin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Bong Jun (David) Choi, The State University of New York Korea, Korea / Stony Brook University, USA
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: 25 Jan. 2013 First round notification: 15 Mar. 2014 Revised papers due: 1 May 2014 Final acceptance: 15 June 2014 Estimated Publication: 4Q 2014
-- Haojin Zhu
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University http://tdt.sjtu.edu.cn/~hjzhu/
IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/