-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] CFP: Symposium on Wireless, Vehicular and Mobile Commerce (IEEE VTC) Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 10:55:19 -0500 (EST) From: Upkar Varshney uvarshne@cis.gsu.edu To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu CC: uvarshney@gsu.edu
Call for Papers: Deadline March 10, 2003
Wireless, Vehicular and Mobile Commerce: A Symposium at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (www.vtc2003.org) October 4-9, 2003 Orlando, FL, USA
Motivation and Scope
With the emergence and wide spread adoption of wireless and mobile networks, devices, and middleware, mobile commerce applications are beginning to receive some interest in research and development community. According to estimates by Gartner Group, in 2004, at least 40% of consumer-to-business e-commerce will be initiated from smart phones. A study from the Wireless Data and Computing Service, a division of Strategy Analytics, reports that the worldwide mobile commerce market may rise to $200 Billion by 2004. The report predicts that transactions via wireless devices will generate about $14 Billion a year. In many European countries and Japan with significant wireless penetration, the mobile commerce market is already taking off and reaching billions of dollars a year.
It is to be noted that mobile commerce may require significantly different approaches in design, development, and implementation of applications due to the inherent characteristics of wireless networks and mobile devices. Many interesting and important challenges include design and development of mobile commerce applications, networking requirements, transactions and security issues, business models and strategies. Mobile commerce will also significantly benefit from research in mobile devices, mobile middleware, and wireless network infrastructure. Vehicular technologies and intelligent transportation systems are likely to play a very important role in this emerging area of commerce. The symposium will bring together experts in this field and address significant challenges in mobile commerce from both technology and business application point of views.
The symposium will cover several topics including * New m-commerce applications including mobile advertising, mobile financial applications, mobile inventory, proactive service management, wireless re-engineering among others * Requirements of m-commerce applications * Development of mobile commerce applications (new constraints, approaches, interoperability, processing and storage, desirable features) * Vehicular commerce * Use of vehicular technologies in m-commerce * Vehicle to vehicle commerce * Intelligent transportation systems and m-commerce * Emerging vehicular technologies for m-commerce * Infrastructure support from wireless networks (location management, wireless dependability, coverage, roaming, inter-working etc) * Location management support for mobile commerce (indoor vs outdoor, precision, performance and transaction requirements, multiple location technologies) * Location and context awareness * User and location specific service discovery * Devices, middleware, and operating systems support * Security and transactions in mobile commerce (mobile commerce transactions over wireless networks, new and current security paradigms for m-commerce) * Business issues and models for mobile commerce (pricing and new ways of charging, revenue generation and division among carriers and operators * Other emerging and related issues to m-commerce applications and technologies
We are currently in the process of negotiating with a journal for a special issue on m-commerce. Some of the best papers from this symposium are likely to be included in the proposed issue.
PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Authors MUST submit a short abstract (approximately 150 words) AND an extended abstract (up to 2 pages). The submission must include the name, complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and the email address of the author(s). Extended abstracts should be submitted electronically (MS Word or PDF) by February 15, 2003. Submissions should be made on-line. From conference website (www.vtc2003.org), follow the link to EDAS Conference Management System (www.edas.info). After login, select VTC2003: Wireless, Vehicular, and Mobile Commerce and follow the instructions for submission.
IMPORTANT DATES March 10: Submission of Abstracts May 15: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection July 15: Last date for submission of camera-ready papers
Symposium Chair: Professor Upkar Varshney Department of CIS Georgia State University Uvarshney@gsu.edu http://www.cis.gsu.edu/~uvarshne
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