-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: PIMRC 2006: Final Call for Papers / Submission Deadline: 17 March 2006 Datum: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:01:27 -0500 Von: ComSocConferences@comsoc.org Antwort an: Conferencesx@comsoc.org An: Conferencesx@comsoc.org
*Final Call for Papers ** www.pimrc2006.org http://www.pimrc2006.org/*
PIMRC 2006 will be held in the Nordic city of Helsinki under a general theme "Diversity in Telecommunications." Papers can be submitted in all areas of wireless personal communication systems, networks, middleware and applications.
*IMPORTANT DATES *Full paper submission: 17 March 2006 /(extended from 1 March 2006) /Notification of acceptance: 29 May 2006 Author registration: 16 June 2006 Camera ready submission: 23 June 2006
*SUBMISSION GUIDELINES *Authors are invited to submit full papers (maximum 5 pages) electronically in PDF format. For all submissions, please use the template available on the website, or visit:
· Call for papers: http://www.pimrc2006.org/cfp_pimrc_06.pdf · Paper submission: http://www.pimrc2006.org/papersubmission.html
*FREE TUTORIALS FOR IEEE STUDENT MEMBERS *Full day and half day tutorials will be organized on Monday 11 September 2006. IEEE student members who have registered for PIMRC 2006 can attend either one full day tutorial or two half day tutorials (AM + PM) FREE OF CHARGE. Registration is required.
*CALL FOR PROPOSALS *PIMRC 2006 organizing committee invites you to make proposals for tutorials, workshops and special sessions on rising wireless technologies. You can make proposals until 1 MARCH 2006. For more information, please contact the TPC Chair (pimrc2006@ee.oulu.fi mailto:pimrc2006@ee.oulu.fi).
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