-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Call for Papers, INTERWORKING 2004 Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:15:14 +0200 From: Paulo.Desousa@cec.eu.int To: ...
<<Call for paper Interworking>> Dear All, You may be aware of the biannual INTERWORKING conference held around the world, which was initiated through the broadband projects (called High-Speed Networking at the time) of the RACE Programme in 1994.
The next INTERWORKING conference will take place in Ottawa, Canada on November 29-December 1, 2004.
Please find enclosed the Call for Papers. The web site is:
Best regards
================================================== Paulo T. de Sousa European Commission Head of Sector Information Society Directorate General, Unit D1 Phone: +32 2 296 35 50 Fax: +32 2 296 39 10 E-mail: paulo.desousa@cec.eu.int Mailing address: Bureau : BU29, 3/04 - Commission Européenne - B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Office -Avenue de Beaulieu 29 - Office 3/04 - B-1160 Brussels ==================================================