Edmundo Monteiro edmundo@dei.uc.pt schrieb:
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this posting] 7th IEEE WORKSHOP ON BROADBAND WIRELESS ACCESS (BWA2011) 9 Dec. 2011, Huston, Texas, US, http://ieee-bwa2011.dei.uc.pt Collocated with: IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2011) 5-9 Dec. 2011, Houston, Texas, US, www.ieee-globecom.org IMPORTANT DATES Submission due: July 7, 2011 Accept notification: August 15, 2011 Camera Ready: August 31, 2011 AIMS AND TOPICS Internet access is undergoing a fundamental change. More powerful devices and lower cost radio technologies are facilitating the transition to the Mobile Internet where users can access through different devices and access technologies a diverse range of services and applications anytime, anywhere. However, the huge increase in demand that this brings cannot easily be met by current radio access systems. Hence, there is a need for more powerful, more efficient, higher speed, lower cost radio technologies and architectures for Broadband Wireless Access. There is significant effort within the community to develop more advanced BWA technologies - activities span the wireless domain, ranging from more advanced antenna technologies and cooperative relays, to mesh networking systems and many more: future networks will likely employ some mix of these different mechanisms. We anticipate that the 4th edition of the workshop will continue the success of the previous editions, providing a forum for the exchange and discussion of new research results and practical experiences working with innovative technologies in the domain of Broadband Wireless Access. The workshop is soliciting contributions in a broad range of topics including, but not limited to, those listed below. Incumbent and Future BWA Technologies, UMTS, HSPA, LTE, LTE-Advanced, 802.16x Emerging and Future BWA Architectures Self Configuring and Self Optimizing Networks Repeater, Mesh, Relay, Femto and Pico Base Station based Solutions, and Vehicular Networks Radio Resource Management, Admission Control, Power Control and Scheduling QoS and QoE in Mobile and BWA Networks Cross-Layer Optimization Concepts and Experimental Evaluation Multi-Antenna Technologies, Beamforming, Antenna Selection, Rank Adaptation, etc. Single and Multiuser MIMO Techniques Cooperative and Collaborative Networking, Network MIMO Interference Mitigation, Cancellation, Coordination and Alignment Channel Estimation Techniques Wireless Network Management Capacity Planning and Traffic Engineering Characterization of BWA Traffic Traffic, Mobility and Channel Models Design and Evaluation of Testbeds and Field Trials Experiences/Lessons from Recent Deployments Large-scale and Heterogeneous BWA Evaluations Multi-Access Networks, Vertical and Horizontal Integration Interoperability Aspects (Fixed/Mobile LANs/MANs, WANs) Micro and Macro Mobility Management Multicarrier Operation and Carrier Aggregation Spectrum Management, Regulatory Issues Cognitive and Dynamic Spectrum Management Techniques Alternative Network Deployments, Dense Networking Integration of Device to Device Communications to Cellular Networks Broadcasting and Multicasting in BWA Networks Green Networking and Energy Efficient Algorithms Network Coding and its Applications in Wireless Systems PAPER SUBMISSION Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with overlength page charge if accepted). Note that the maximum number of pages for a paper is 6; 5 pages plus 1 additional page allowed with a charge for the one additional page of USD100 if accepted. Papers exceeding 6 pages will not be accepted at EDAS, nor reviewed at all. Please see the Author Information page for submission guidelines in the IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 website. The paper should be used as basis for a 15 minute workshop presentation. Papers should be submitted in pdf format by selecting Globecom 2011 workshops at EDAS paper submission website, and then selecting the BWA-Workshop submission link. All submitted papers will be reviewed by up to three experts and if accepted, published in the conference proceedings, which will be available at IEEEeXplore and registered in Engineering Index (EI). At least one author of accepted papers is required to register at the full registration rate. GENERAL CHAIRS Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal Andreas J. Kassler, Karlstads Universitet, Sweden TPC CHAIRS Leonardo Badia, University of Padova, Italy. Vasilios A. Siris, Athens University of Economics and Business, and FORTH, Greece. PUBLICITY CHAIR Jorge Granjal, University of Coimbra, Portugal STEERING BOARD Thomas Michael Bohnert, SAP Research CEC Zurich, Switzerland Dirk Staehle, University of Wuerzburg, Germany. Gabor Fodor, Ericsson Research, Sweden ----_____________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc