-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [acf-members] WONS 2009: Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers Datum: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 18:29:58 -0400 (EDT) Von: Stefano Basagni basagni@ece.neu.edu An: acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP. ----------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS: WONS 2009
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The Sixth International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (IEEE/IFIP sponsorship pending)
February 2-4, 2009. Snowbird, Utah, USA http://wons09.cs.ucla.edu ------------------------------------------------------------
Scope of the conference -----------------------
As more and more users become increasingly dependent on wireless and mobile communications, it is necessary to secure a reliable and dependable technology support for "on-demand" services through any of the wireless architectures that have been in development recently, such as mesh networks, WiMAX, WiFi, ad hoc networks, sensor networks, etc.
However, there are serious challenges to overcome, such as the integration of infrastructure-based and ad hoc networks, robust algorithms for self-organizing, reconfigurable wireless networks, on-demand service models and their provision in a highly-volatile interconnection environment, and smooth interoperability of architectures.
WONS, now in its sixth edition, has established itself as a high-quality forum to address these challenges in the context of a workshop that is rich in intense interactions and based on innovative contributions by experts in the field.
This announcement solicits original submissions of high-quality research papers on "wireless on demand networks" that provide novel insights on protocol and network design, modeling and performance evaluation, pricing and profitability models, QoS models, practical implementations, service level aspects and Internet integration of wireless networks.
Topics related to wireless ad hoc networks, mesh networks, vehicular networks and sensor networks comprise, but are not limited to:
* Architecture and Design * Analysis through simulation and experimental evaluation * Modeling * Internet integration * Social and economic aspects * Pervasive / ubiquitous computing * Localization and mobility management * Security * Energy-efficient protocols and power management * Applications and Service Support * Data dissemination and Peer-to-Peer systems * Middleware aspects * Self-X and network management
Manuscript submission ---------------------
Submitted papers should not have been published before or they should not be currently under review at another conference or journal. Authors are invited to submit double-column full (8 pages) and short papers (4 pages) in PDF format. The font size should not be smaller than 10pt. Short papers should present future research directions, ongoing work, visionary and innovative ideas; accepted short papers will populate poster sessions at the conference and will be included in the conference proceedings. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper if accepted. Conference proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore library.
Further submission instructions will be published on the conference web site.
Important Dates --------------- Full Paper Submission: October 2nd, 2008 Acceptance notification: November 17th, 2008 Camera-ready due: December 7th, 2008
Organization - Executive Committee ---------------------------------- General Chair Violet R. Syrotiuk (Arizona State University)
Technical Program Co-Chairs Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland) Claudio Casetti (Politecnico di Torino)
Publicity and Web-Chairs Stefano Basagni (Northeastern University) Dae-Ki Cho (UCLA Network Research Lab) Gaia Maselli (Univ. of Roma "La Sapienza") Steering Committee Renato Lo Cigno, Chair (University of Trento) Ernst Biersack (Institute EURECOM) Edward W. Knightly (Rice University) Mario Gerla (UCLA) Ioannis Stavrakakis (University of Athens)
Technical Program Committee [to be completed] Ian Akyildiz (Georgia Tech) Eitan Altman (INRIA) Giuseppe Bianchi (University of Roma, Tor Vergata) Ernst Biersack (Institute EURECOM) Matteo Cesana (Politecnico di Milano) Andrzej Duda (LSR-IMAG Laboratory) Azadeh Faridi (Pompeu-Farba University in Barcelona) Jorge Garcia (UPC, Polytechnic University of Catalonia) Mario Gerla (UCLA) Silvia Giordano (SUPSI of Lugano) Fabrizio Granelli (University of Trento) Martin Haenggi (Notre Dame) Hannes Hartenstein (University of Karlsruhe) Holger Karl (University of Paderborn) Gunnar Karlsson (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology) Edward W. Knightly (Rice University) Sastry Kompella (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC) Bhaskar Krishnamachari (USC) Renato Lo Cigno (University of Trento) Stefan Mangold (Swisscom) Pietro Michiardi (Institute Eurecom) Giacomo Morabito (University of Catania) Ioannis Stavrakakis (University of Athens) Martina Zitterbart (University of Karlsruhe)
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