-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] Elsevier : Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing Special Issue on Pervasive Healthcare Call for Paper Datum: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 16:28:56 +0800 Von: Chen, Jie (ELS-BEI) J.Chen@elsevier.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Call for = Papers
Journal of = Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Special = Issue on
Pervasive = Healthcare
Pervasive = Healthcare is currently one of the hottest research topics in the area of pervasive = and mobile computing focusing on the integration and cooperation of two = fundamental disciplines (Information and Communication Technologies and Medical = Sciences) that have a great impact on the current society. One of the main purposes of this research field consists in the design and development of = information systems able to support medical professionals both improving = patients' Quality of Life and reducing medical errors and hospitalization costs. Continuous remote monitoring of patient's physiological state and activity patterns, tracking of individual's health-related = activities, smart management of medical records and care professionals activities = are just some examples of system features.
To allow = this, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary, both in terms of cooperation = among ICT and medical experts to correctly address patients and doctors = requirements with new technological solutions, and inside the ICT community, to better = integrate research efforts derived from different areas, from wearable and ubiquitous technologies to context-awareness, sensor data fusion, activity = recognition, Artificial Intelligence, expert systems, databases and Human Computer Interaction. The proposed solutions must also contend with the resource limitations associated with commercial devices (e.g., energy = consumption), communication infrastructures, and security and privacy issues related = to critical and highly sensitive information.
In this special issue, we are seeking high quality papers reporting original research results on topics that include, but are not limited = to:
· Wearable and implantable sensors for healthcare
· Wireless communications in healthcare
· Activity and context recognition for healthcare applications
· Service and device discovery
· Data fusion and context elaboration
· Privacy and security issues in healthcare
· Middleware for e-Health
· Energy efficiency in health monitoring
· Artificial intelligence and expert systems
· Human computer interaction, usability and acceptability of e-Health = systems
· Home monitoring and ambient assisted applications for healthcare
· Power management and energy-efficient design in wireless body area = networks
· System architecture and networking protocols for e-health systems
· Medical data analysis, measurements and management
· Modeling and performance evaluation
· Standards and frameworks
A key criterion in the evaluation of papers will be the relevance of the = work for healthcare applications with a preference for work that includes = empirical evaluation in actual healthcare domains.
Submission process:
Authors should prepare and submit manuscripts according to the Guide for Authors = as published in the Journal website at http://www.ees.elsevier.com/pmc/. Please make sure to choose "SI: Pervasive Healthcare" from = the pull-down menu during the submission process. Manuscripts must not = have been previously published or currently under consideration for = publication elsewhere. If a similar version of the paper has been published in = a conference or workshop, the submitted version should contain significant additions/enhancements (with at least 33% new material). Authors are requested to submit their relevant, previously published articles and a = summary document explaining the enhancements made in the journal = version.
Important Dates:
Paper submission: July 29, = 2011
Reviews and decision: mid to late December 2011 (includes two rounds of = reviews)
Submission of accepted manuscripts: = end of January 2012
Special issue: Late spring or summer = 2012
Guest Editors of Special = Issue
Diane Cook, Washington State University, = USA, cook@eecs.wsu.edu
Franca Delmastro, National = Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy, franca.delmastro@iit.cnr.it Paul Lukowicz, University = of Passau, Germany, Paul.lukowicz@uni-passau.de
Marjorie Skubic, University = of Missouri, USA, skubicm@missouri.edu